Dear Castor Oil, Go die. (tmi) ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE 2:40ish am CST****



  • I thought since you were preg with twins, 38 weeks was REALLY GOOD!
  • Nurse Brooke is our HERO. I hope she ch ecks you hard enough that it breaks the water. You poor thing I feel so bad for you. Those babies must really like it in there. Lots of water breaking praying heading your way mama. Stay strong.
  • Holy cow mama...I thought for sure you would be snuggling sweet babies! You are one strong lady...keep up the good work! Hope your nurse comes through for ya again tonight!
  • You POOR thing! I keep hoping to hear that your twins have arrived. I'm 38 weeks today with one 7lb+ baby girl & I know how miserable I am. I can only imagine the extent of your suffering. C'mon babies...time to come out & give mommy a break!! :D
  • Damn hope those babies come soon you sound damn tired! I agree with everyone Nurse Brooke is the shiznet! Hopefully your little guardian angel has more tricks up her sleeve to get these beautiful babes out. Thoughts and prayers are with you can't wait for next update
  • I hooe your lil ones decide to make their entrance into thr world soon.
  • I can't believe you are still going, well done you!! The little ones are obviously comfy! Keep going, keep us updated and hopefully they are here soon x
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  • *bump* You're still in my thoughts sweetie!
  • Bumping for update ;)
  • Im so excited to know whats going on. :)
  • Please tell me you have them in your arms by now!!
  • Mama your starting to concern a couple of us. Hope all is great and you all are safe and healthy.
  • Updates! I love?
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  • Are you ok?? Getting worried about you, hope you're busy holding your precious babies!!
  • Keeping my eyes peeled for an update!
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  • ***UPDATE: FML 11:09 pm CST***
    OKAY so this will be a long one. First off, I'm so sorry it took me this long to update! It's been a rough day. So nurse Brooke shows up and said enough was enough and hoped I was ready for babies. I said hell yes, of course, so she said she would be right back. An hour later a different nurse (an lpn) came in and said not one, but 3 mothers just came in to deliver, and Brooke was the only RN that night. I didn't see Brooke again. Instead, I got to listen to other mothers down the hall have their babies. All I could do was cry, and my hubby got up to sit with me. I finally fell asleep. I wake up to one of my other favorite nurses waking me up and telling me to stand up. I couldn't. The lpn had rehooked my IV thinking I was just out. I couldn't stand my legs, hips, everything were beyond swollen. I started panicking, and the nurse got me back in bed and gave me a shot of something to calm me down. I passed back out, and woke to the same nurse telling me I wasn't going home until some of the fluid went away. Whatever. So I'm still here, still without babies, and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I've never begged sincerely before, but my doctor will not see me calm until he breaks my water or starts a pitocin drip right then and there. I'm DONE. Best part? I now have strep throat. *sigh*
  • Omg, honey; I am SO sorry! I will say a little prayer for you tonight in hopes you get to have some relief. Hang in there; you're being so much stronger than I would be right now! <3
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  • @vette_devil I feel like I just want to curl into a ball and sleep, but I'm hoping my doctor has enough compassion tomorrow to stop all of this!

    @richjen24 thanks Hun! I hope so, too, before I'm too far exhausted for labor!
  • So sorry! Labor dust your way and hopefully those little babies will be here very soon! Fingers crossed!
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