This isn't for me!!



  • I have gas all day
  • Lol... I'm aggravated, it took me 5 mins to find this post in the discussions, just to keep up with the convo. My hubby gas is sickening, it makes me gag. LOL
  • @mommie_McAtee I should apologize since you are hating and offended, trully I didn't mean to start anything. ;)
  • Lol. He still wears a pull up only at night and I just left it on all day (it was dry) cuz I was afraid he'd crap his undies.
  • My 10 year old twin boys have hit that stage where burping and farting are hilarious, I don't even want to talk about how bad my house is right now! LOL
  • iI'm white and my hair doesn't grow fast
  • I'm usually have gas too all day my husband doesn't mind it but once he lets one loose I raise hell and when I first got pregnant he let one go while we where lying in bed and the smell was so bad I threw up
  • @momma2be1990 OMG!! That's hilarious! I feel so bad for you, but I'm sorry that's funny.
  • your opinion now u are dismissed. Thanks for posting
  • Hahaha, I'll do better, I promise!
  • Any military wives?
  • Lol his butt must have ben raw. My bf farted under the cover and my head under the cover. I went and got on the couch I was so pissed. But he was sleep
  • I'm a military wife
  • To get to post just click your name at the top and you'll see yr recent activity
  • Is your husband around?
  • I used to be a military wife, now I'm back to just being a Navy brat.
  • I bet you guys get more sad and dramatic
  • Yeah is he but he will be getting deployed to Iraq in August and I'm due August 1st so I'm hoping she comes on time
  • My hubby wasn't supposed to leave til July but found out this weekend he's leaving early next month. I'm only 5 weeks, so he will miss everything
  • lol why do you feel we are more sad and dramatic
  • Because they miss certain things like first steps or some. May feel alone idk
  • It is pretty sad but its the life. It's a hard one but also very rewarding. I mean, my hubby is defending our freedom.
  • My husband is a sahd is that conflicting with your military husbands? Lol

    I dont know how military wives do it...i couldnt!
  • Yea, n ur strong for being able to deal. I sure couldnt! I miss my bf when he goes to work
  • I've been having a hard time this week cuz we were supposed to have more time.
  • For dinner I want motzerella sticks n ravioli
  • iI love that saying..."if you can't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them."
  • Cobb salad with ranch on the one would order pizza with me
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • We have got to be some of the most ADD people on the planet...
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