This isn't for me!!



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  • Drama free ADD thank you!
  • @2girls1boy as long as it is drama free ADD, that's all that matters on here. I've been laughing as I've been reading this all day, I think my family thinks I'm going crazy! :)
  • edited March 2011
    This thread is potecting hubbies booty about now...i get home from work and the giant dork that he more damn interested in the weather on the news than what I have to say! Its rain good god almighty...seriously the nerd will not even make eye contact
  • Lucky man then that we are so entertaining!
  • @2girls1boy I just read your post on the other thread, and my bf is going to be a stay out home Dad while I work too!
  • Hubby does the cleaning laundry and keeps both midgets. After #3 is here he will go back to work. Not sure what the heck we will do then. My two will be in school so we will have to find hopefully a sahm who wants another baby during the day
  • I love Pizza Huts crust. I. Love. It.

    It has been fun having a difference of opinion with you ladies and not trying to e-kill eachother.
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  • I was only in school when my boys were little, so they were with me or my Mom. This one is his first so he wants to stay at home which is fine with me. We can't reasonably afford daycare, and I have a career that I love that pays more than his, so it all works out. The best bonus is that I have a 3 days on, 3 days off (12 hour shift) schedule, so I'll still be home a lot.
  • That's awesome, @kriss82001. We can't afford day care, either. I work at a center, but they don't give employees a discount on infant care and it is expensive! My paycheck would be about $200 every 2 weeks if I tried to take her to my center. Fortunately for me, my mom works more out of boredom than for money. And she has decided she would rather quit her job at the after school care for autistic kids and stay home with her grandbaby. She is really excited to be a grandma. Like, really excited and enthusiastic, joyous, and happy.
  • I GOT MY CHILI!!!!!
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  • My cobb salad didnt hit the spot I feel like a giant turd. Being pregnant is not my favorite I must admit. I just like the end product
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  • I hate freaking out over cramps. And when I get really hungry but nothing sounds good.
  • @jwigs My Mom helped out a lot with my boys, she had just retired from the Navy and they were her first grandchildren. Now this one will be her first girl grandchild, so she is going crazy. :) My bf has incredible patience with children, I really think he should work with them full time instead of being a mechanic/Mr. Fix it. He has way more patience than I do, that's for sure! I'm having withdrawls from being away from my job, I hate being on bedrest. :(
  • I love strawberry milk!
  • Hey everybody. I just like to say here that without @mama_kat the forum would have to be removed from the app. There is so much going on with over 3,000 new comments every day that I cannot handle this alone. I think that mama_kat is doing a great job and is very supportive. Sometimes you might not agree with her train of thought or sometimes she might misjudge a situation - but she does this with all the right intentions: keeping this a nice place to come to.

    As most members she is also pregnant and her hormones will be all over the place. So if you do not agree with her actions then it's OK to react to that. But please do it in a respectful and supportive way. This forum should stay fun for mama_kat as well.

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  • Yay!! I finally got my strawberry pie ( went to get it myself ) n when I got home my sister had bought pizza hut! So not only did I have my ah-mazing pie but I also got a slice of pepperoni pizza!! Wat a good day! Lol
  • If my man tells me one more time that he doesn't know how I don't feel the baby moving yet when he so easily can I might kill him. For reals.
  • If you can't feel the baby, how can he??
  • I'm 13 weeks and 6 days. He is feeling my gas bubbles shifting through my intestines. And you should see the look on his face when he says, "you can't feel that?!' He may be adorable, but I'm gonna kill him.
  • I took
    A nap the baby had been begging me all day
  • Any one ever have those dreams where you wake up and wana slap your boyfriend across the head?
  • Lol nope
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