an abortion nurses story



  • @perly... thanks for the comment... it is appreciated... it's one thing to state your opinion and another to be judgemental and wish that God never bless you with babies... What's that! And why?

    There is no reason for a simplistic level of thinking... teens and adults need to be educated, not persecuted because their decisions don't match your views... I'm sure there is a lot of things that others do I don't agree with, but who's judging... and who really cares... It is my hope that this discussion remain respectful as it has been for the most part...
  • @Dawnwaarsbaby I left a comment on your page.... idk if you got it but I was looking forward to your response.
  • @Dawnwaarsbaby ive said what I want to say is its my believes an after readin what those babys was but through its SICK! An I wouldnt say your bless id say your just lucky as I god dont bless murders. I was 16 when I first fell pregnant my mom said (IF YOU DONT KILL IT YOU CAN GET THE F*#K OUT MY HOUSE WITH THAT BLACK BASTERD THIS) so I walk out an never went baby I lost all my family an friends an for the first few months I had to sleep on the streets It didnt once cross my mind to kill what god bless me with I realize I had to do somthin tho as my baby would be here in 4mnths so I clean myself up an started lookin for a job I got a job at a bar work over time got a flat less then 3mnths on anyway cut a long story short I had a very hard time just because I was carryin a mix race baby but today I have a nice big house I run my own business an have my 3 lil man due in may 2 im now 25y old. People think they have to kill there babys because of the life they got NO MONEY NO JOB I had NOTHIN FOR THE FIRST 5 MONTHS LIVING ON THE STREETPS no money no job no family or friends no roof over my head. Ive seen my mother 6 time on road an she said sorry I forgive her because if it wasnt for her kickin me out I dont think id have what I have today what she did made me a strong girl but I still never been to that house an never will when she sees me she always ask for money not once have I ask her. Anyway as life treated me bad at 16 an stil keep my blessin. The only time I say its a reason to go through with it thats if the baby has come by rape but I knw a girl who was rape by her uncle at 15 an stil keep her baby she ran away she now 16 an livin with me an she hates her family but LOVES her baby. So I dont understand why girl get kill there baby. If you THINK!! you have to do it then do it asap not have it after 12wks its Sick I cant belive after 20 thay have to STAB THE BABYS HEAD AN SUCH OUT THE BRAIN ITS VERY WRONG AN SO!! Heartles ive shown all the people at my work place this story an they cant believe girls can realy go through with it after 20wks mark. If the you an the other didnt want gods little angel they why didnt you had them over so people that would give your an there baby to people that would love them not kill then because you feel you have to in gods eyes an most peoples eyes there is no good reason to kill a baby if you dont want it have it to a lovin people that do
  • @Dawnwaarsbaby. Hi Hon. I thought I'd post in response to your post to Roxanne. I don't think she meant it towards you but to anyone who has had an abortion. I agree with her but want you to know that my views on abortion don't make me feel that you're in some way a bad person. I took the opposite road and left school for my daughter, but I went back When she started school herself. I can't give her everything but I would have done the same regardless. In your case you know what you did was best for you and while I don't agree I think what you do for teens is amazing and commendable. I also feel for you When you have talked about thinking about your abortion choices and how it's helped you help others. So many people don't have someone willing to give them the real facts and what you do is so very important. I've appreciated all your comments here.
  • edited March 2011
    @Roxanne. My purpose in this post is to help people considering abortion into realizing That their baby is a life and that the abortion "industry" is not a cure all like people are told it is. Dawneaarsbaby has made some very useful comments here and while I don't agree with abortion I do agree that she has used her experiences to help others and should be applauded not called names. On abortion I agree with you but on your treatment of my pregly friend on your last post I am extremely upset. We have managed to keep this thread clean for the most part and I'm looking for constructive comments meant to help scared expecting parents by letting them know they can give their child for adoption and that there are other ways besides abortion as a birth control methods.

    I'm very sorry about what happened to you as well. My family turned their backs on me too, and I did everything for my daughter and was 15, but it doesn't make me better than anyone else.

    Oh and thank you for sharing the post, its important for other women to know. I just want us to treat eachother with respect because if we are fighting and criticizing eachother, how can we help anyone else?
  • Reading this post really angers me. But everyone is entitled
    To their opinion so here is mine. It doesn't apply to women who aborted to save their own lives.

    All I can say is the very fetuses/ babies or whatever one likes to call them to convince themselves its ok to kill..yes kill.....are ones that some people would want nothing more than to be parents to. One persons trash is another person's treasure. Simple as that. Ppl can rationalize that they made the "best choice" for their child bc they wouldn't be able to take care of them are excuse makers taking the easy way out. If you knew u weren't responsible enough then y in the world did u have sex in the first place?! We live in a world where ppl just make excuses for everything! It Is possible to stay a virgin until you are married and have a stable environment for childrearing. We have to wake up and realize where our standards really are....and if we have any at all anymore. Children are not puppies to be euthanized or given to animal shelters because we change our minds about wanting or being able to care for them. Ladies, pls stop lying to yourselves and rationalizing bad decision-making. Think about women who have had spontaneous abortions, abortions due to health reasons, or can't conceive at all. For the last 3 yrs I have been desiring to have children and been through two mc's. Its hard hearing about irresponsible adults or teens just aborting because they think its best.....everything we think in our minds is not right. Give these babies and ready parents a chance to be the responsible parents you CHOOSE not to be. Abortion IS a choice right?
  • @techgirlpa I understand were your coming from an I fully respect you im sorry for upsettin you but its nothing to what those babys was an will be put through im only thinkin of them. Readin that its not just reading it but as you read it you can see whats happenin to me its the worse TRUE! story ive ever read its so heart breakin in not sorry for what I had to go through as I wouldnt be the girl I am today im very bless an very lucky im sure you feel the same to as we both come frm nothin to strong minded girl an indepandent CONGRATS ON YOUR LIL ONE :-)
  • edited March 2011
    I don't give a flying **** what anyone says. How could anyone do that to a innocent baby .. there are so many women who can't have children who would die to have the babies you've killed! What I don't get is y abortion why not adoption what? U people to good for that or ur not strong enough but yet u can kill it instead .. im pro life and believe anyone who does this should be on death. Row! Think of ur parents. U would not even be here today if it wasn't for them. If u don't wanna take a chance don't have sex. Like the Holy Bible says..intercourse is for reproducing! ! AMEN!
  • @hopingwishingpraying I agree! I've been trying to say that but keep getting too upset! @novmthumper I'm with you! No excuses for this
  • That was hard to read. I couldn't imagine. Everyone has there choice but y wait that long and then decide u don't want the baby. So many angels sent back. So sad.
  • @novmthumper11. That is the point in this discussion, but there's no point in badmouthing someone else here. Do I believe having an abortion is killing? Yes I do. But at the same time you two are talking about someone who has to live with those decisions for the rest of her life and who encourages others to use birth control and other options like adoption. You're putting someone down who is trying to help people. Its the abortion industry who tells women its not yet a baby. They tried to convince me to have one at four months! We aren't going to help people change their views by treating someone who has done it like crap. She was brave to come on here and tell her story and I feel her talking about how it still haunts her is helpful to someone considering abortion.
  • My family forced me to have an abortion when i was young, i was 6 weeks along. They did vacuum extraction, used sono to locate the baby. The volume was up on the machine, and i heard the heartbeat. I started crying immediately, dr raced to the machine to turn it down. My family had told me it wasn't a baby yet, just a bunch of tissue growing in my body like cancer. I was on birth control, thought i was safe, got pregnant, and now i can't forget that first little angel that they took from me. I've had successful pregnancies since then, and almost a dozen mcs, but i wish that i had had someone, even a stranger, to tell me there was another way. It breaks my heart to know that there are people out there that could go through abortion at such a late stage in pregnancy just because of downs syndrome.
  • 4senough. Wow Hon I am so very very sorry. I'm at work having a slow day and I have to tell you that your post has me in tears. I would hug you right now if I could. I can't even imagine what you went through.
  • I wasn't pointing fingers just made an overall statement. And actually those so called abortion people are f ing liars. That are to a baby as soon as the egg is.. and doctors are suppose to save lives not kill them.. sry to say it but shame on ur family for doing that to you 4senough..but. its a blessing you have ur beautiful children now :) .. I was a teen mom and wouldn't trade having him for anything .. been trying for more had a mc and now praying this spotting isn't another one. Hail to the moms who believe in life xoxo
  • edited March 2011
    @4senough that made me cry. I'm pro life n sometimes I don't realize that not everyone that had an abortion is some heartless irresponsible jerk. To be forced into that and to not really know about is horrible. Anyway I wish you much happyness mama!
  • Oh and as for them saying it haunts them..good im glad. Except for those whom were forced to.. b.c. they shouldn't use it as birth control. And I strongly believe just don't have sex.. nothing is 100% accurate so if u are doing it then u need to use birth control. Condoms. Iud. And that girl condom thing all together ..I will never agree with any of it. I understand people have there own opinions and being a catholic im being a little harsh although this is why we as people/ adults in this world need to give more information to our youth and stop the way our society and generation has become.
  • @novmthumper. I agree. The more people who can understand that an unborn child is alive and that there are other options the better. They tried to make me feel like my daughter was nothing. She's in high school now and has a brilliant mind and big heart. I'm so glad I didn't listen. Abortion clinics are interested in their wallets, not moms and babies.
  • Im so happy u followed your heart :)
  • @twinkiesmom... I responded to you personally :)
  • @roxanne... I don't think anyone is an advocate for late term abortions and I most definitely am not but I am pro choice and an advocate for making all the options available, which includes advocating for birth control. After reading your experince, I can see why you are upset... hopefully you can ease up and understand... your opinions are just that... opinions... I wonder since you feel so strongly about abortion, are you doing something to make an impact in your community to make youth aware, or other teen moms, as you were one yourself... It's one thing to throw stones, and another to make change happen... And FYI... I am not only blessed, I'm highly favored... luck is finding a $5.00 bill on the ground... my life is alot more than that, sweets... In any case... be well and congratulations on your 3rd baby... I'm ultimately excited about my first and she's well... Take care!
  • @novmthumper... honestly, your comments are not worthy of any interaction... I figured you were young already, by your entrance into this discussion... but it looks like you need to learn to be eloquent in your speech... I'm a bit concerned about the level of wisdom you would bring to a child... you were told, more than one time to kick back and respect others views... you still don't listen... Shame on you... but why are you upset... why does my decision making and my progress and what I've been able to do to help other teen mothers like you, upset you... It actually saddens me that your so ANGRY! So, I'll instruct you in my nicest... pregly voice... your doing too much lil' mama... pipe down...
  • @4senough... I'm sorry that you experienced that... my experience has lead me to advocate for youth for more preventative measures.... one way or another, it does stay with you... I'm glad your well and happy prego...
  • @techgirlpa... Thanks for the kind words... I think we agreed some time ago that the business of abortion needs to stop and that other alternatives need to be made available. It's really interesting, because since I've posted my story, I've gotten messages from women that have viewed and/or commented on this post, thanking me for telling their story... a few actually... So, what does that mean... women are afraid to post and share their experience for the fear of being ridiculed by the people you defend me against... it's neither here nor there... because I don't know if you realized... I don't take none of this personally... I'm a little bothered that the people that have posted responses haven't taken into account... that their opinion is only valued when it's given respectfully... It was my intent to share and I have no problem taking the brunt of the backlash because people disagree with my choices. I think this has been a great post techgirlpa and has allowed for some thought provoking discussion and in depth sharing... And I hope that in my response to the people that have said disrespectful things to me, that I've maintained mature as I think I have... I have no problem with people having a difference of opinion, that is welcomed... but I won't be disrespected... I don't allow for that in my real-life interactions, so I won't be taking that from here... thus my wealth of responses... Peace!
  • This is something the united states should take seriously, its murder to an innocent life and should not be tolerated. If your woman enough to allow yourself to become pregnant accept the consequences. And I know and understand some situations of rape but there is adoption. Don't kill innocent lifes. Some woman that can't conceive would do anything to have the opprotunity to have a baby. And yet woman are aborting like its an every day hobby its discusting.
  • @Laina19... I do believe adoption is the ideal solution, but for some that is not an option. Others take preventive measures to not get pregnant and still do... Some people use abortion as a birth control method and with the clinics that push abortion first... I think that's the real issue...
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  • @dawnwaarsbaby I would like to correct you cause if you go back to the comments that i have posted I never said I hoped god wouldn't bleased anyone with a baby. Up to know all my comments have been respectful towards all mommies regardless of my believes. The one who said that was roxanne to whom I responded by saying I didn't like to judge people because its not ok to be disrespectful especially to people older than me like yourself. If in any moment any ladies in this disscussion including you @dawnwaarsbaby have felt disrespected by my opinions please forgive me, that has never been my intention.
  • There r a lot of ppl out there who can't have kids and would like to adopt-having an abortion takes the chance to b happy away from the unborn child and that family. The whole thing w having an abortion bc the test said the baby will have downs sits really bad w me bc I've talked to ppl who did the test and they were told the baby would have downs-the baby was born totally healthy-tests aren't 100%. And if we r going to say its ok to 'dispose' of an unhealthy unborn child, how long before we say that the elderly aren't worthy of living or ppl w other medical issues?! Ik its taking things to an extreme but just throwing it out there. Everyone has a right to an opinion...right
  • By the way ladies, sorry if my spelling seems bad but i was commenting over my phone and its not all up to date so that explains that lol. But i do agree with @techgirlpa, it is important that we express our opinions in the most respectful way possible because I can assure many girls have read this post and have second guessed the option of leaving a comment asking for help. I am not choosing sides because i have clearly stated that i am completely against abortion but i also dont agree with disrespectful people or comments. I know some of us feel real strong about our opinions and i understand because i feel stong about my opinion as well (i cried at work) but once again, lets try to be as respectful as possible.
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