foodstamps and medicaid..vent



  • @Firstimemommytobe whoa way to many comments I finally saw ur question. I think that citizenship should be granted to a child based on the Parents citizenship. And not automatically granted just because they where born in this country. That's the way other countries work. Plus SOME and I say SOME but not all people come here just to have babies. For the citizenship
  • Okk well I hope you all have a goodnightt. Bye B-)
  • Morgan check txt lol
  • Its time for some FOOOOOOD bbl :-)
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  • This is just upsetting me!! Grr.. Hubby wants mommy time. Lolzz.. Or I could go on this all night!!
  • Please stop pretending im naive enough to not know when someone is speaking about me.
    Abusing the system in my own words:
    1. Someone who willingly lies to the case worker about income and how they are being supported. If you or your boyfriend or babydad whoever.. are making money on the side (If you are working under the table, strippers, drug dealers, people who do illegal gambling etc.)
    2. You have enough money to get your nails done on a regular basis, have a nice azz phone, have cable, buy cigarettes etc. then why isn't that money going towards food?
    3. Females who continuously use the system without ever putting back into it. They would rather wait on their welfare checks to come in than getting off their behinds and doing something for themselves. Welfare is suppose to be temporary. TANF = Temporary assistance for needy families. I don't think it's called that for no reason.
    4. Women, Who are working the system as listed above.. who keeping having children.
    As Outkast put it "Let her know that her grandchild is a baby, not a paycheck" I realize he was speaking about CS, but it can also be used in this situation.
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  • I'm just watchin n bitting my tounge cause god forbid ill b jumped on lol. But I don't feel what is handed to any foreigner is right. I was told straight up from a friend who does hiring she had to fill positions to illegals and ppl on visiting visas before ANY American was hired. It's sad my fiance is forced to be on unemployment while being qualified for a job but won't be hired cause a "visitor" has the job offered in my opinion to make America tje best country. Alot of jobs around here are taken by ppl who shouldn't be given them when we have such a high rate of Americans unemployed.
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  • Ok before this gets shut down let me just give a quick example. I know a woman who is a natural born american citizen who goes to the welfare office in her 2010 Range Rover, wearing full authentic Gucci gear from head to toe, complete with $1200 purse. She gets $800 in food stamps for her 4 kids which she promptly sells. I think this is the abuse of the system we need to be discussing. She is able to do this because technically she has no income, but her boyfriend has plenty.
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  • edited April 2011
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  • edited April 2011
    @firstimemommy to be no I never thought that by them having babies here they would become legal. I know they can't become legal
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  • edited April 2011
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  • @mama_kat, I'm trying lol! I thought that abuse of the system would be best shown by that. I'm seriously floored by this woman. She's shameful. I've reported her several times but as I said, her boyfriend has all the assets. She's 24! She's got 4 kids 9,7,5,&3. She smokes weed all day with her friends & lives off her sugar daddy boyfriend. It's unreal!
  • @TishJ330 Thats exactly the type of abuse of the system I was talking about. Thank you for the example.
  • @tishj330 I see that happening too.
    I just wanna say that the system has a lot of glitches and legal or not, it screws a lot of people over by making them dependent on assistance and taking it away for the littlest thing. As for the cuts, I think that cutting daycare assistance will cause a lot of problems because he people using it USUALLY have a good reason, like going to work or school. That's sad cuz more families will rely on system or crime might go up and employment down. Who knows
  • Why did I listen in on an illegals convo n find she has nice car n parks it at the kmart parkin lot n walks to social services to fit her criteria. And they live like kings cause America was dumb. I'm not even sayin her race but that made me so livid I really have not one cent after I pay every need n this lady has everything n plays the system cause she can. Not puttin my business out there but I NEED assistance n am denied until all the minority is accepted. The woman is good friends with my finances dad who works there n she was the one who off tje record says ill be pushed back till criteria is reached meanwhile im pregnant n need temp help
  • I'm gonna jump back in and say that my husband is not American. He had to jump through so many hoops, fill out forms, pay hundreds of dollars in fees to become a permanent resident (approved after 7 yrs of waiting). Why is it ok for some people to break to rules while others break the law and get away with it. That is exactly why we have laws. Unfortunately, many people choose to break the laws. Where do we draw the line and is it fair to the people that immigrate legally?
  • I was venting with my medicaid provider about how ppl are, he said to be thankful for the idiots bc the more of them there are the more gelp the rest of us get. But really... Someone who purposefully has kids, lets their gparents raise them, then they get welfare, foodstamps, gliding, etc. and its not even benefiting the damn kis bc someone else is raising them! Agh. Stupid!
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  • @ tishj330 I know a few people that abuse the system like that (not as extreme, of course). They have boyfriends that they won't marry so that they can continue to get govt assistance.
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