Dear Castor Oil, Go die. (tmi) ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE 2:40ish am CST****

edited June 2011 in Health
Out of desperation, I thought "what the hell, why not?" I now hate my life. It's been 4 hours since I drank two ounces, and I'm pretty sure my rear is about to fall off, my nausea level is sitting at a cool 10, and I am having trouble separating contractions and wicked stomach cramps at this point. I'm crying, my husband is freaked out. It's looking like I'm headed to labor and delivery. I'm either going to end up dehydrated or in labor at this rate. I'll keep you posted.


  • Hope everything ok
  • Drink lots of fluids because it can dehydrate you. That is part of what pits u in labor. Coupled with the diarrhea which can make ur uterus contract.....I hope everything get rollin and you meet ur baby tonight.
  • Makes me think of the pepto commerical uh oh diaherra! So sorry it didn't work out for you. But thank you for sharing your story. I have so enjoyed reading about the different castor oil storys lately. I won't be touching the stuff he will get here when he gets here. I think he will be early because of how active I am. Hopefullt your lil one isn't to far away. With all the pooping that's gotta speed these along right? Keep us posted btw how far along are you?
  • Drink water a lot!! It does hurt like hell the contractions come fast!
  • Well ladies I think it worked. Lol I'm in the hospital on an IV, dilating more, and contractions are 1-3 apart. I'm 37 weeks 1 day with twins. Lol I would have been induced next weekend, so I thought eh Why not. I'm downing water now!!!

    @blissmarie23 @SamiUK @socalmomma2boys @princessB
  • Good luck
  • Good luck
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  • Maybe the twins thought "we need to get out NOW before she drinks anything else that nasty" lol ;)

    Good luck..keep us updated mama!
  • Good luck!
  • Yay!! Hope u get to meet your twins!
  • Yippie!!! Cant wait for updates
  • I'm so excited for you!! I hope you'll be holding ur new babies soon! Keep us posted!
  • OMG... I'm so jealous! That darn Castor oil didn't work this good for me

    So excited! Keep us posted!
  • @Mrsstanley_x2 omg how exciting! I hope you have a fast and easy delivery and healthy babies! Im so happy for you, keep us updated.
  • *****UPDATE AS OF 2:21 CST*******

    I've been given Demerol thanks to merciless contractions that have been plaguing me for around 13 hours. I've had every bodily function possible at once, but now I'm feeling much better :) Doc says it may be the big day after all! C'mom labor dust and full moon lore!!!
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  • Yay hopfully they will be here very soon :) sending you lot of labor dust mama
  • Good Luck!!! I'm counting on tonight's full moon, too!
  • Good luck. Hope all is going great.
  • Yay! Its gunna happen!! My bby is here!
  • ****UPDATE**** it's now 9:53 and I'm being held overnight. Doc said this is it!!!
  • Yay. Good luck mama. Hope all goes great. Keep us updated.
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  • Yay!!!:)
  • Awesome, congratulations Mama! Can't wait for the good news!
  • ***update*** it's 9:51 and the doctor should be here soon to check me. I woke up with HORRID back contractions so bad I was bawling, so they have me another shot. I'll update again shortly with HOPEFULLY wonderful news!
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