Its a healthy baby BOY!!!!!!!!!
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I believe 5 something...that's what I thought I heard him say to his delivery nurse and when the tech was measuring the fluid on was barely anything between the placenta and the baby. Its scary if they have to deliver early but I just want m…
Btw I have RH incompatiblity and low blood palette counts...other than that they have said everything is healthy and fine
When I was about 6- 10 weeks I got into a argument with a family member, They were being really crazy, so I left and had a major breakdown. A hour or so later when I was changing for bed, I realized I was bleeding a good amount. It scared me but I k…
Im almost 23 weeks and its partially coming out lol. I don't know how to describe it but my belly button deff doesn't go in as far as it sure it will be an outie sometime soon...
I agree, the sex will be amazing! Have fun! ;)
Awl, I remember us talking about him being off to college before. I am sooo happy for you!!! It's going to be a natural high seeing him especially being prego & then having a u/s tomorrow, congrats girl :) Let us all know how it goes :)
@sosmommy I wish I could do that, but I am too poor to pay for all those peoples meals lmao
@homebirthadvocate thanks. I didnt even know they had a name for that. I too am having a all around party, girls, guys, babies :)
@kansasmomma hahahahaha thats so funny
@homebirthadvocate Are you going to have a lot of people there? I am thinking we may have 50 people and I dont know how to set it up or even if there are things the park wont let us do. I was even thinking of getting a jumphouse for the kids who com…
@laura536 LOL send some of it over here! I wish it would rain here!!! hehe :)
@laura536 Yes you are right :) Thats why I needed others points of view here lol I just honestly don't think that would ever happen in August where I live. Its called the High Desert in California..Known for dirt & heat haha ( Now watch it does …
@YNVTish I know thats what Im saying!!!! I would love to do it outside, so the kids can run and play & all that. I know it may be a little hot but whatever, the summers summer, it aint going nowhere!!! lol
I've always been one to keep it all shaved so it will be at LEAST trimmed up for delivery. & Im not worried about it being bothersome, for those who normally shave doesnt bring me discomfort when growing the longer ive let…
I am obssessive over salt n vinegar chips! !!!
I agree I had a few psychos on here myself that got all butthurt over something that wasn't even said the way they spun it. I ended up laughing while I was typing them back and forth, it was so pathetic & hilarious to me. Chill preglys, chill ;)
I just started working at my old job that I haven't been at in three years. I was about 19 weeks when she agreed to hire me and now I am 21 weeks. I haven't said anything to anyone because i know how they will treat me like I am disabled and I am no…
Massive headaches! And 1st feeling your baby move, and finding out the gender :) But on the bright side those only lasted me a few weeks. Now I feel great! No symptoms anymore, if it wasn't for the baby moving I wouldn't think I was prego still lol
I think that's gross for a child. They can give my daughter that when she actually has boobies hanging from her chest to maybe help her to realize the responsibility if she's not ready yet.
Due sept. 15th with our first. Its a boy and we don't know what the heck to name him, & don't like any names we've come across :(
Thank you ladies. I want to work there soooooo badly. I just don't know if ill be able to work both jobs and I don't want to make the decision on what will benefit me and my family in the long run.
We should send the doc offices a bag of dog poo on fire lol
Psssh I know how you feel. Thursday I had my u/s appt to find out the gender. The Bitch was this young cocky Ahole that scratched me with her long fake nails while tucking in the sheet under my pants and first said she needed to first do the scan an…
@jenzoe1 Thanks :)
It's a BOY!!!!! :D
I have the same thing :) its very common
@NewMommy_NavyWife thank you and congrats to you!!!! I have a friend who just found out she's having a girl and she's due in Oct. like what the heck everyones finding out the sex of there's but me! Im going to go donkey kong on someone i…
@lil_buggie_3 Oh I wil, I will be sooo damn happy everyone on here will hear about one way or another lol ima end up annoying everyone haha
@mommyy2be Congrats! ! We are close :) I am due Sept 15 th...probably going to be giving birth on my birthday, what a present! Lol
@lil_buggie_3 I honestly don't care but I think my BF wants a boy a little bit more...either way I just can't wait to see how big our baby has gotten! Its been like 2 months since we've last since him/her! :)