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- Jenna218xx
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I have the same thing going on right now!!
Ive been using the breast flow bottles and my son has no nipple confusion!
Yes, he takes a paci. Sometimes he does great nursing. Other times not so much. Its like once the milk slows down he gets mad!
He is very gassy though. I feel so bad for his little tummy!! I got him gripe water today but haven't used it yet. Has anyone given their baby this before?
I was thinking the opposite, that he isn't getting enough milk! He has been wanting to eat all day pretty much and not sleeping well. Does this sound normal for a baby at 3 weeks old?
Thanks everyone! I will give pumping more often a try and the fenugreek pills!
Thanks for the advice everyone! I was rushed into my drs office yesterday with a fever of 103.6, & now I have mastitis. Its soo painful. He has me on antibiotics and wants me to strickly pump until it is healed. breastfeeding has been a rough o…
Ima 40 weeks tomorrow. And im being induced on tuesday early morning!! my drs told me it was up to me whether or not to wait or have an induction.. im impatient so I chose to ge induced!
good luck! Ill be checking for updates. Im being induced monday.. hopefully ill know more of what to expect from your experience!
It stays in one place. Im a little nauseous, but that's about it.
Yes that's it. I got mine at target!
There's a pump that goes with the breastflow bottles. That's what I have. I don't know how good it is but the reviews were good!!! Im due this week, and will probably start pumping two weeks after he is born!
Its doing nothing for me either!! Im due the 22nd and have no progress, going to drs today hopefully something is progressing!! Ive tried epo, walking, sex, ball, eggplant, pineapple!!
Its supose to just help soften your cervix.
I insert mine as far as I can reach. Make sure too wear a panty liner because it will leak a bit. Ive been using epo since almost 37 weeks and ill be 39 tomorrow, hasn't really helped much I amg effaced though.
How many weeks are u? I insert 4 epoc, 500 mg. tablets into my vagina everynight before bed. Wouldnt recommend co bc my drs tell me the baby could have their first bm before they are born, which is not good! Plus it makes u feel like crap!
Praying for you all during this difficult time in life!
@ashleyfew how did the exercise ball make u go into labor? I have one, I don't feel like its doing anything for me.
Ive been getting bh since before 20 weeks. My dr said the more active you are the more bh you will get! Im extremely active so I get them all the time! Im now.38 weeks, and ready for these bh to be real! :)
@misskristin how could I tell if he dropped? I do feel pressure and pee alot. Im tiny and he still feels/looks high on me!
I don't look like he has dropped... But ill ask my dr tuesday when I go!
I thought it was probably normal, just hurts!! & catches me off gaurd! Hopefully I deliver soon, but I haven't lost my mucus plug yet and im not dilated yet! I want to meet my little guy!
Im due august 22 as well! And cant wait for my little boy to arrive; his name will be Ryker Curtis. Im not dilating yet, but drs say my cervix is soft. Hopefully at my next appt. Wed ill be moving along! :) just out of curiosity how much have u mom'…
I had placenta previa all the way up to my 3rd trimester. I am now 36 weeks and it hasnt moved up. My dr told me that most of the time the placenta will move as the uterus grows.
Where did you ladies get the primerose oil from?
My fiance is an ironman. Constantly training and in awesome shape!! They are very amazing to see, and emotional at the finish line!
Im am due august 22 and having a boy!!!
I am 29 weeks and have gained 15lbs. Started at 104. Im fine with gaining this, its all in my belly. Im still wearing all of my pre pregnancy sun dresses and shirts, just had to get some maternity shorts!
Im 28 weeks and went for an ultrasound two days ago.. My baby was in the 50% & weighed 2lbs 10oz.
I was 20 weeks when I felt my little guy, and saw from the outside! He is very active!