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  • I was showering, washing up, and all of a sudden I feel this huge snotty glob on my hand. I guess that means labor is close right? Just wish I knew how close.
  • I'm 38+3 lost mine last night. No, color to it at all. I always thought it was suppose to be bloody, being that I never noticed a plug with my first, I wasn't tok sure what it looked like. I'm 2-3cm, and about 80% effaced. Hopefully labor will kick …
  • Wow! 3x?! I wonder if I can handle that. I'm pushing myself to have it once a night, but if that works, I'll get on it as soon as he comes home tonight. I hear male's semen is what really does the trick.
  • I'm actually munching ice as I type this. I like to fill ice trays with tap water, gives the ice a mineral flavor to it. I go down the street to our near by Water & Ice store and I buy a cup of shaved ice about 2-3 times a day. Our freezer alway…
  • @mrs_shu I feel almost guilty sometimes for thinking they're "bad" parents, because we were all friends before our children, but breaking ties with them sounds like a good idea, because I know I will never be okay with such actions.
  • I sometimes feel the same way. I feel as if it's not my place to tell them how I feel about the choices they make for their children. It really bother me because my husband and I were young too, but when we found out we were pregnant we both stepped…
  • Didn't think so. My OB told me that because this is my second child labor and delivery should move along faster, but I have not 1 sign of labor. No loss of muscus plug, no contrations, NOTHING :(
  • I also have 20 days. It seems like I'll be pregnant for an eternity longer, but when I look at it from a different side I tell myself I'll have my little man in arms in just 20 DAYS!!
  • @YAYA I planned a much needed vacation, rented a nice cabin, planned some fishing, invited a few in laws. The WORST idea ever! I was uncomfortable, tired and swollen the entire time. I started seeing myself get fussy, like a baby. Packing and unpa…
  • Thank you! @Mythica I have heard of the term "Irish Twins". I also don't know what the meaning behind that is.
  • Didn't mean to scare the ladies that haven't reached those final weeks, sorry :) Slight chances, you may be one of the rare, but lucky women that'll get away with the misery LOL. Anyone's significant other getting tired of coming home and there be…
  • Thank you ladies. Our decision was not planned. I was taking birth control, but I guess some things were just ment to me. I'm due SEPTEMBER 3rd and my oldest son will be turning one SEPTEMBER 25th. Very excited, yet also extremely terrified.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one getting the worst out of these last days. I'm huge, swollen and I live in Arizona where the highs have hit 115 degrees so far, monsoon season is also here that means I'm feeling the humidity also. I have been experienc…
  • I was given two due dates. First due date is based on the first day of my last menstrual period, second due date is based on size and measurements from an early ultrasound. Going by my LMP I'm due September, 8 which is also my birthday :)
  • Haven't logged on in a while. Just to let everyone know IntelliGender said it's a girl, ultrasound says it's .. A BOY!
  • I bought it at Wal Greens. I'm sure you can find it online. Good luck everyone. I'm barely in my 13th week of pregnancy. I have a son, who'd be very happy no matter the out come. IntelliGender says Girl, I hope it's right ;D Good luck to all who tr…
  • Thanks! I'm so nervous. My husband tells me he'd rather have them so close in age, yet I'm still iffy about the whole situation. I'm so drained, with work, my son, managing our home. I feel it'll only be more draining with another new born.