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My son, 5 months, is bottle fed and still wakes up at 4 am. I work outside of home and am always so tired! I can't wait until he sleeps through the night.
@gissy66 My lo turns both ways but his head sits crooked when sitting up. He prefers right over left. Still look into it.
Going through it now. But my 4 month old also has torticollis, which is a muscular problem with his neck, that caused his flat head. We're fixing it with physical therapy and possible helmet.
That's awesome! Congrats!
I would take back a lot. My lo was breach, which no one knew about, we thought he was head down until I was pushing him out and they stopped me because they saw his boy parts instead of head. I would not have listened to the nurse and got the epidur…
I go back tomorrow too. I'm dreading it! But I'm only going back 1/2 days this week and back to full says next week. I did this with my first child and it helped me ease back into things.
I don't think so but everyone's body is different. But call your doctor anyway!!! I was told if I could fill a pad in a hour to call.
@JoshnEviesmum, I had a boy, Liam. My oldest is 5yrs old and named Andy. My pain happened on Thanksgiving and lasted about 3-4 days. Did u try heating pad or tylenol? Oh! And underwear hurt to wear too! Lol! Whats ur baby's name?
@JoshnEviesmum this was my first c-section, so I'm new to that pain because my first was a natural birth...but not by choice. My lo is 10 weeks.
I had that too. I chalked it up to my muscles going back to normal and I was doing too much.
Don't know because I bottle feed. Here's a bump for you.
I just read this. You go in with contractions every 5-6 mins. But with being an hour away, go in. Good luck!
I felt the same way when I was breast feeding. The best way to change to formula is take out one feeding at a time. If you don't, you will get engorged again. My doctor told me to take out 1 feeding every 3 days...that wasn't going to work for me. S…
It's not that bad! Take some Tylenol about 20mins before your appt and you'll be do fine!
I know how you feel. Is there a friend or family member you can call for some back up? Maybe you can ask them to come over for a little bit.
My first baby was born in May. Good month! Congrats!
Sorry, don't know. Bump.
It's ok! Everyone has to do it! It's better for you and baby to hand them over and walk away. You are not a bad mommy....otherwise I'm a horrible one! Lol!
We bought one for my son, about 4 yrs ago, at Wal-Mart for like $10-$15. It has all kinds of sounds. Best money we ever spent, he still uses it.
I use a wash cloth to cover my little man. But I know how you feel, my 2 week old peed on his face AND in his ear!!!! I was so upset!
Not sure. Call your doctor.
I couldn't handle it either with my first. We lasted 2 weeks before I gave up. He's now 5 yrs old and fine. I'm going to try again with this baby. You're not a bad mom if you can't do it. Giving a baby formula is ok!!
I'm 39 weeks today and I'm ready. I've had the red raspberry herb tea, about to eat some pineapple. I'm not jumping on the castrol oil wagon!! Lol!
It takes awhile to grow back. But when it does, it starts out by growing sparsely. Something more manageable_
I got waxed 2 weeks ago and not due until end of month. Things look good...better than it has in awhile lol!!...and doctor didn't say anything to me.
Thank you ladies! I'll tell my husband and hopefully have a name!!!
@soontohavethree, thank you! Good start!!
Good question! I need nursing bra in DDD too!
Yay!!! I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow! We're so close!!
Sorry....no advice. I had a hard time with breast feeding with my first...will attempt again with this one. Bump.