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- mom2beof2
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I will be praying for you!! I haven't had a mc I have family & friends who have & I know it has to be so hard & heart breaking :( so I defiantly will be praying for you!! Keep us updated
lazer not later :)
I'm an expert at this subject lol!! I have ovarian cysts & endometrious which both are painful & can cause infertility. I have had both since I was 16 yrs old I am 38 yrs old now. I have had 3 surgeries to later the cysts & the endometri…
We don't have a dog but my sister does and we spend a lot of time over there. I have a 4 yr old little girl and a 3 month old little girl. My sister has had her dog since I was preganant with my 4yr old he is a min pin ( miniature pincher) my 4yr ol…
I would go in I had the pressure you're talking about I felt like u had to go Poo but couldn't go. I had pain I couldn't walk I was tired I just didn't feel right. Like I said looking back I wish I would of gone in. It was just a horrible experience…
I would be so pissed!! I also had a csection with my first so when I went into labor with my second I didn't think it was labor I was scheduled for a csection. But when the pain got really bad I went to the hospital. I was dilated too 2cm my baby gi…
My daughter who is now 4 yrs old had it really bad when she was a baby what I found that worked was babyoil. I would put it on her head every day & then use a baby comb to brush it through. I used everything & the babyoil worked the best.
You're welcome :) I know I was freaked out. Let me know what the Dr says. And congratulations :) being a mommy is the best!! Enjoy it, it goes by so fast!! If you have any questions let me know. I don't comment very much on here but I check in once …
Yes its an infection. I have had to csections my first was 4yrs ago & everything went great my second was 7 weeks ago & didn't go so well. Anyways I had stitches with the first & staples with the second due to the fact that it was an eme…
is healing not us healing :)
No ~ They check the incision & see how it us healing. You will come back for a 6 week check up & thy will do an internal exam then. At the 2 week they just want to see how you are healing & will probably ask if you're in pain & they …
I went through this with my 1st daughter who is now 4yrs old. I have a 7 week old daughter also. My 4 yr old never slept through the night I tried everything I was so frustrated & thought I was doing something wrong. I talked to her Dr I got adv…
Maybe you could try a place that has layaway. My best friend has 4 kids & is on a strict budget she buys everything on layaway. School clothes, Christmas presents & Birthday presents. I don't know where you live or what stores you have I kno…
I have had 3 surgeries. Two were laparoscopy and the 3rd was a csection. I had horrible gas pains with all 3 but the one and only thing that helped was walking & lots of it!! It helps to get moving & your insides moving. I'm having a csectio…
I failed the 1hr when I was pregnant with my daughter 4 & half years ago & then passed the 3hr test the exact same thing this time. I asked my Dr. about it & she told me that basically the 1hr test is just a screening & that many wom…
My daughter's name is Reilly Elizabeth she is named after my Nana Elizabeth Reilly. I love the name for a girl or boy!! I have never seen it spelled the way I spell it so I really like it!! I'm having another girl in Aug. her name is going to be Rae…
It sounds like a cyst to me. I have them on my left ovary but it doesn't always show up on the u/s. I also have endometrious which can cause cysts. I would go to a specialist. After years if Dr.s telling me it was nothing & I felt I was going cr…
OMG!!!! I got a really bad headache last weekend for like 3 days & my left eye was twitching & still is. No headache anymore just a little twitching. Crazy things that happen when you're pregnant :)
My daughter had to wear two different ones because her head grew so they had to fit her for another one. It was a total of about 6 months. The more they wear it daily the shorter they will have to wear it. Meaning because I had her wear almost all d…
My daughter had a flat head and had to have a helmet. It can happen from laying on there back or it can happen because they are prone to it & there skull isn't formed all the way. She had lots of tummy time and was held a lot. The Dr told us it …
I wld wait a little longer and also when your husband can be there. It is a happy time for you guys and you don't need any negative comments!! And if he is there with you when you tell your family he can be there to support you. Good luck and congra…
I'm due Aug.24th but will have a csection a week earlier.This is my second I have a 4 yr old little princ
My breasts are soooooooooo painful!!!! This is my second and with my first I never had any of the symptoms I'm having this time. Painful Breasts, exhausted, and sick. I'm 9 weeks today so I'm praying everything will get better in the 2nd trimester. …
I'm due Aug.24th but will have a csection a week earlier.This is my second I have a 4 yr old little princess!! I was never tired or sick with her. However this time around I cld sleep all day I can't sleep at night and I'm sick throughout
I'm due Aug.24th but will have a csection a week earlier.This is my second I have a 4 yr old little princess!! I was never tired or sick with her. However this time around I cld sleep all day I can't sleep at night and I'm sick throughout the day.Bu…
Yep it is true abt miscarriage. You're body is used to it and quitting cold turkey can throw ur body into shock. It is better to cut back and gradually quit.
That is strange to have a pos and then 2 negatives. You can have a false negative. You're best bet is to go to the Dr and get a blood test. Good luck
You need to get into the dr.s Most states will cover you. Are you taking prenatal vitamins? Just take care of yourself :)
I'm glad u have at least here to be able to talk and not feel alone. Everything will work out!!
Yea 23 is old enough!! I will be praying. Jst try and focus on u and ur little miracle!!