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Update, She is here , she born 8/18/11 at 3:38pm , with 7,2oz, and 20 c.... She just looks like mommy :). I am so happy she is so beatiful . Thank all of you laddies for the good wishes..
Thanks ladies , I am at the hospital waiting for my c-section at 2:30pm , right now is 1:20 so one more hour :) to meet baby Shelby
Thank you ladies , right here is 10:30 so I have to wait one more hour to go to the hospital
Thank you
I know is hard to trust Jesus in this moment but he is with you and u baby , I am praying for both of you and I know Jesus is in control of everything and he can make a miracle in you life , just trust him and praise him with all you heart.
Hey tell you mil that you guys are planning to moved out of the state before the baby born....just to see her reaction , tell her that u are moving to japan or somewhere else far away from her ... :-?
I lost a pound in my whole pregnancy , I am overweight person and my doctor is so proud of me. I have 3 days left for my c-section
Tums are my best friend right now :) , 3 days more are I dont have to deal with this anymore ...
Good luck :)
Yeah that happen to me also and I m still here pregnant , I have some contractions but there are not painful and there are so far away from each other so I will be having my girl this coming thursday via c-section
Gracias a todas :) y mucha suerte @momtob2 ya tengo 38 semanas y el dia de mi cesaria cumplo las 39 , esta es mi segunda cesaria la primera fue 15 anos atras :/ y aun recuerdo q la recuperacion fue dolorosa pero espero q esta sea mucho mejor...ya …
9 days for me :)
Color pink I guess :).... Thank you girls
God bless you :) everything will be just perfect..
37 weeks and I have to pee like crazy , maybe 8 time everynight , lucky me when is only 4 or 5 times.. I am so ready for my caesarian in two weeks
22 more days for my cses :) exciting
I will have my baby shower in 8/6 and I will be having my baby at 8/18 ... I think that everything will be ok :)
I am due august 18 I feel the same way , I have to many things to do but not energy at all :( ...
Me too I hadn' t gaineed any weight either and my doctor is really proud of me , I am overweight already so I am happy with my pregnacy right now :)... 28 days more and I will meet my baby girl
I have scheduled my csection on augusy 18 :p I am so ready to meet my baby girl Shelby Leann ...everything hurts so bad but my legs and my hips are so ready for this pregnacy to end soon..
42 days :) more and I will meet my baby girl , I am so exciting ...
Gracias ahora estoy confundida , si quiero otra opinion de otro doctor pero ya me entro el miedito q algo vaya a salir mal . Voy a hablar con mi doc y q me explique su punto de vista :) y si me convence pues me quedo con el o si nomas no pues voy y …
@nena18_labori y fijate q ayer platicando con mi hermano q es doc en mexico me dijo q eso puede pasar es por eso q algunos doctores no hacen partos naturales despues de cesarias :-S y la verdad es q si me inquieto la idea de q seme abra la herida…
En WA voy a investigar si tienen ese ;).
@Missprego : ya tratamos pero dicen q nuestro income es muy alto y no calificamos , lo q no saben es q vivimos al dia y si mi esposo trabaja mucho es para pagar los billes q ya tenemos :( , pero voy a tomar tu consejo e ir a otro doc para tener un…
6 weeks and 4 day
Si es lo q voy a hacer el dia 18 tengo mi cita y voy a hablar seria mente con el y si no me hace caso voy a tener q buscar otra opcion :) .... Gracias por tu consejo
Yes but I don knot how to put it right here :(
Tiger a Boston terrier Diamond a black cat
Girl : Shelby Leann August 24