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- mommyof1
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Thank you all for the advice, every time I go to l&d they end up sending me home, they don't check me or nothing, just hook me up to a monitor for an hr. I'll be 36 weeks Thursday and as much as I want him here I don't want him to have problems …
Thank you both, I called l&d and they told me if I continue to leak or have painful contractions to come in.. I just don't want to go in to be sent home... At my last appt. I was already 2cm dilated I'm a little nervous because I'm not full term…
Okay thank you, I was worried because its soo gross and each time I lose it they're big, big, chunks :)
I lost mines last night too, I went for a walk and walked up n' down some stairs and been having contractions too. But your farther than me so hopefully its your turn, good luck :)
@bwhite55019, ok. Just wondering because I googled it and got so many difference answers I didn't know what to believe.
@lily_glz, I know that's the part that sucks, you never know if labor is around the corner or weeks from now... It's a long waiting game!
@lily_glz, I'm 35 weeks and 1 day @clope18, I think it all just depends.. some people lose it early and some people lose it later on in their pregnancy. But it looks like a snot, big and thick with brown and red blood in it and nope it doesn't hurt,…
I've been wondering the same thing, (tmi) but I've been noticing some thick mucous that looks like snot but its like a white color and its only a little... Am I starting to lose my mucous plug?
@dncrcass, I sit on the edge of my couch and bounce but it doesn't help much :( @survivormommie3, yes, he doesn't really seem concerned. All he says is, "well, if you have baby now he should be fine" and that I don't want to start any medi…
@dncrcass, I've been putting a warm cloth on my belly but it only helps for like a min. or two, but no I don't have one.
@lae3 and @richjen24, thank you both for the advice...
Thank you :)
I just woke up and (tmi) had a bm, now my stomach is cramping really bad, but i dnt want to go to the hospital just to be sent home!
My contractions are still no help, but my blood pressure is high and now I'm waiting too see what my Dr. wants to keep me or not!
I'm 36 weeks and 6 days, I'm 1cm and 30% effaced. I'm at the e.r now but my cervix just wont dilate, my contractions are strong but its not helping :(
It's now 7:27 and my head is killing me and I feel nauseous... I'm having contractions but they're hard to time because they're long and wont let up so I'm calling the e.r to see what they want me to do.
Thanks, and @ mommakk88, I will keep you updated.. I'm so impatient and want this to be over with! My stomach is starting to hurt but its like light cramps, but I can handle the pain.
Thank you :)
Did it work for you?
Oh gosh, that worries me. I'm 34 wks nd 3 days nd Ive been having contractions, back and leg pain... My leg pain hurts so bad I can barely walk on it, and tmi but bm.. sometimes I feel like I have to go but when I try its nothing... Should I be worr…
I feel like I've been waiting forever, and it seems like its going by slow now :(
I'm 34 weeks and 1 day, due Aug.25th, just one day before you :)
Aw, I wanted a girl so bad, I got stuck with a boy.. but either way as long as he's healthy I'm fine :) And I know, I just feel like its dragging by sooo slow, I'm ready for him to be in my arms!
I'm jealous, I hate that your due before me, I still feel like I have a long time to go, what are you having?
@mindy061606, thank you once again, Im'a try that... This may be silly of me to ask but I'm a ftm and I was wondering how do you time your contractions ?
@mama0811 and @mindy061606, thank you both for the advice. I think I should go but I just don't have the patience to deal with rude nurses tonight, I don't even know if my baby is head down yet.. I just don't want to worry or stress if its nothing.
@vayanna, thanks for the advice, I'm a have to try it when I can lay down and focus on it.. I hope he's head down and will be coming soon :)
@august22baby, ok.. keep me posted please and thank you :)
@homebirtgadvocate, thank you and I appreciate that you took some time to give me some advice.. I have an appt. next wed. So I can have my doctor give me some kind of knowledge on it.. I'm only 33 weeks, so I'm not really in a rush just wanted to kn…