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  • Aw! That's so great he'll get to see you and your belly! So many military dads don't get that! Do youknow if there's a possibility for him to be there for the birth?
  • My husband is a marine here in the us. I know exactly how you feel. I think the best thing is to not let your mind got to that dark place. Do not worry about or dwell on what could happen that would be devastating. I believe in God and pray his prot…
  • Well im down in texas where it can be blistering hot...and i so feel you with the clumsiness1 Were your falls ok?
  • i know exactly what you mean. And non-military women dont get being ok with him being gone. I am so proud of my husband. His career in the military is almost up and he has had the option to deploy again several times in the last year and really thou…
  • that's what i figured :) congrats on the new babies on the way! ive heard that it's miserable to be huge in the dead of winter and miserable in the heat of summer. Im thinking summer'd be worse
  • when was your favorite? my mom had babies in march, june, august, october and dec. she said march was the best
  • Yay! I would love a baby as soon as possible but I am not sure about getting pregnant this week! Hahaha! I never thought I'd be planning that much. What do you think about an early Dec due date?
  • We are officially not trying.....but I know next week is the week to get busy.... Good luck to you all! Maybe this is our time!
  • I think breast feeding is great and in public its only OK if you're covered with a blanket. Even then its kind of awkward BC ppl know what you're doing, and sometimes the baby makes a lot of noise LOL. I just don't think in public you should do it w…
  • Ugh sorry girls this sucks! But I am so glad to have y'all! I think it would be so rare to have a real life friend who's going through exactly what we are. Its nice to talk about it on here. @prayin_4_twins @twin_angels I don't remember if I crampe…
  • I just feel silly. I don't want my Dr to think I'm nutts! Its nit the random periods that concern me, its everything combined. And the milk or whatever...I finally asked my mom when she had breast discharge while pregnant and she said by the end of…
  • I was thinking about taking a picture of the positive test and adding text that said something like 'we're pregnant!' Or 'you're gonna be a dad!' Or something and mixing it I. With newly developed pictures or a photo album and telling him to look th…
  • I have a friend who took tylenol pm like her while pregnancy. Her doc said it was OK. Hope you get some rest! Congrats on the pregnancy!
  • I have a crib picked out Haha! Its probably a bad idea but I can't help but look online and think about it!
  • Uh! I need help too! We normally have sex ALL the time but this is our fist month to really ttc and we haven't had sex in a week! Its so weird and like there's an elephant in the room. I think we're both nervous about how serious it is. Its so frust…
  • Oh and provera makes me really sick too. I have really bad sleeplessness. Like I went 3 days with no sleep. Uh but I figured out to just take a nyquil or tylenol pm
  • My doc told me the provera only causes your body to have a period. To clean your uterus out, which is needed for a healthy uterus. Provera doesn't make you ovulate. Your body may ovulate after a round of provera but provera didn't cause it. Then a…
  • My doc told me the provera only causes your body to have a period. To clean your uterus out, which is needed for a healthy uterus. Provera doesn't make you ovulate. Your body may ovulate after a round of provera but provera didn't cause it. Then a…
  • it's supposed to be an herbal supplement for chlomid. i tried it. tonight's my last night. you can google it and read all about it. I am really hoping it works. but a little nervous about doing it instead of chlomid that is closely monitor all of it…
  • Thanks ladies! I know I'm not alone! And like I said we haven't been trying for too long yet and we wont give up hope. I am confident if we're patient we will be parents one day. And I know there are so many who have had a lot harder and longer and …
  • They usually have online checklists. I know that they have things on the list that not everyone uses or need but that's a pretty good guideline. I am sure the ladies on here can tell you what's important and what brands are good :)
  • @djonae what tests were you using? I am so frustrated BC I have such strong symptoms and only negative
  • * my second time. Haha dumb phone
  • This is my decongestant time to be wayyyyy past when I should have had a period with lots of major pregnancy symptoms only to come up empty handed. Its disappointing :(