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Best advice is to keep at it. Be prepared for it to hurt like hell for the first month. Take care of ur nipples (i use to ice them down and put ointment on them) and never be afraid to seek out help. My milk didnt come in for 8 days. So I had to sti…
Well this is gonna be a long labor lol. I just saw my midwife so she could confirm that my water was definately broken. When she did the exam she said she could see about an inch of hair haha :) im about 4cm so hopefully I will go tonight or tmr!
Im 40wks+2.... so ready to have this baby!
Due oct 10th.... Still waiting :( I hope our baby comes soon. Everyone is tried of waiting lol
Im still here. Im due the 9th 80% effaced, -2 station, and 2cm dilated. Im hoping I can go this weekend :)
@valentinasmommy Vit K is a shot giving to your infants b/c they do not have the means to clot blood right away. Once their intestines start to work babies will produce Vit K just fine. When circumcisions were routinely done, baby were given the s…
My midwife said it could be ur extra vaginal discharge.... Kinda gross I know. I noticed it a few times and im 34wk today. Just keep an eye on it.
Im from baltimore md and if Irene is anything like Isabelle (which was a tropical storm when she hit us, not a hurricane).... This weekend is gonna suck! My parents live on a water front property that faces the Bay. When Isabelle came in 03 they los…
Wow @Mylittleman2011 that is pretty cool!! Unfortunately I don't know when my shower is... everyone likes to surprise me. But just so I cover all my bases... no pictures either hahaha! :-P
I asked the same question a few weeks ago. Look at my discussions and there is a link to the bump.com. It really helped us when we interviewed our drs. Hope that helps :)
Honey what you are doing is noble and you should never feel ashamed for wanting the best for your son. Sometimes life doesn't work out the way we would like it to. However, it's what you do in those situations that defines your character. I know …
I actually have what is called plantar fasciitis. I work in the medical field and am constantly on my feet. Do your heels really hurt in the morning? I would look it up and see if it sounds like what you are experiencing. My foot dr gave me some…
Thanks everyone! I drank some juice and I counted around 10ish movements in an hr. Some were really light so it was hard to tell. I'm gonna call my midwife and let them know. I think that's ok though.
Thanks @k_baBix0!! Those helped a lot :-)
I'm 29wks and 4days Due Oct. 9th (our 1st anniversary). I'm all belly and have only gained 10lbs. Besides new aches and pains I'm doing pretty good lol. I still feel like a whale and watching me get around is pretty good entertainment for my husb…
3 dirty martinis....... Makes me a very dirty gurl!! Or at least thats what my husband tells me. Kinda dont remember much of that night lol. 2 wks later I was like "oh crap! Hahaha".
When u comment there is a smiley face to the upper right corner of the box. Click on it and u get a bunch of options :) glad it made u smile haha!
My husband actually suspected before I did. A week before my bfp, I had to go bra shopping because I had nothing that fit me right. Turns out I was a cup size bigger and I hadnt gained any weight. I was 2wks along when I found out I was expecting,…
wow thanks @homebirthadvocate and @TricesBaby!! I'm delivering at a birthing center so no drugs to worry about, unless I need an emergancy c-section. I know this is probably a dumb question, but if I do have to have a c-section the delayed cord cl…
Baby I would have slapped a bitch!! You are a better women than me lol.... Then I would have gone to the car to cry hahaha. I'm sorry you had to go through that. People (especially women) can be really insensitive. You are beautiful... big belly…
My midwife told me they always wait until after it stop pulsating bc if u cut it too soon baby could become anemic. Its just to ensure baby gets all the blood they need. Its like waiting for things to equal out. Seems like a no brainer to me, but im…
This show is so damn funny. Ive watchef both seasons and it just gets better! I love all the characters. Cant wait til season 3!
Im with u! Mine started @ 14wks (Im 23wks now). No one has been able to give me an answer so im just dealing with it. It pretty damn painful at times. I feel ur pain u are not alone!
Im breaking out on my arms and my midwife said its the hormones.
My husband is korean and his mother said I need to eat seaweed soup... And lots of it! Its a power food and has tons of nutrients to help ur body recover after child birth, as well as help with milk production. Korean mothers have been doing it for …
@NewMommy_NavyWife HAHA! that's funny! Yeah I had to simmer down when I was there shopping for my friend's baby shower.... the bill was reaching something ridiculous and my mom had to knock some sense into me. But I think it's a disease that only …
*amount (sorry)
That's a really tough call. I would try to see if you guys could get away with giving her half? Is there some unforseen reason she doesn't have the money to begin with? I know family issues can be hard to deal with. Or have her promise to pay the…
Thank you ladies! It's nice to know I'm not crazy haha! I also went on to Etsy and Artfire.com and found some really cute things... but I still cant justify spending $20 for a simple cotton onsie. Oh well I'll keep my eye open and report back! @N…
I hear breast size doesnt make a difference. My friend was an A cup and had no problem, while my other friend was a DD and couldnt. Im 23 wks now and I haven't gained anything either. The third trimester is when ppl say they really start to gain. I …