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  • Hi! I'm Louise from England, i'm due Sept 13, I have been so lucky, no sickness! I'm hungry all the time, I will eat one meal and will be needing a snack instantly, don't mind though as I love my food! When did you find out?
  • Its breaking my heart reading this, I hope you manage to rest today and fingers crossed for tomorrow, I had a miscarrige at 14 weeks last year, managed to come to terms with it surprisingly well and its brought us closer. Babies way of telling us sh…
  • Hi, i'm 8 weeks tomorrow and i'm already uncomfortable sleeping and sitting! My boyfriend brought me this really long body pillow which is helping me get comfy in bed but i'm sleeping at all odd hours!
  • Everyone is so excited! Its great! Congratulations guys :)
    in happy Comment by tinymummy January 2011
  • Im sure it doesnt but I would double check on the internet chick x
  • My friend was addicted to taking bites out of plasterboard! She said it was the only thing that satisfied her, the doc said it was just a mineral she needed and taking it helped. Still did it every so often though, baby was perfect!
  • Good news! Good luck through out
  • The doctors tend to work it out just from dates that match your period etc, they can't be certain until your scan, it may appear that baby is a lot younger than they first anticipated, my friend was changed by 3 and a half weeks because of the scan,…
  • Hi, this is my 2nd pregnancy and with my 1st I told my highest boss immediatley. He was so supportive and helped cover up all my appointments and contact HR until I was ready to tell the rest of the office, they changed evening plans like do's to su…