foodstamps and medicaid..vent



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  • @firsttimemommytobe I love being part Cherokee :) it's cool to find other people who are too!
  • Im pleased to say we did get through this tough time but it still irks me how people play the system they should drug test all who receive assistance !!!
  • Do you think it's appropriate if say I had a boyfriend who was a drug dealer or I was a drug dealer myself and we defrauded the government by telling them that I have no money and was broke and my kids are starving? Do you think there would be families better off who are honest people who REALLY need the help?
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  • edited April 2011
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  • @mama_kat Great cheekbones and a great summer tan :) we're not "official" either but it doesn't make a difference to us!! That's still my family and my blood!
  • I'm from lake geneva grew up there. But now am living in good old hillbillie sharon. Trying to find a place back in lake geneva. Its hard to find something for a decent price with 4 kids. Everything is so much
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  • @mama_kat I just love feeling like my family is a part of history!! Plus I think it gives me a greater compassion towards "minority" groups because my own people were treated so unfairly. And when I was little I tried to do rain dances lol and I swear they worked sometimes!!! ;-)
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  • @mama_kat Hahaha that's hilarious!!! And I love to always be barefoot so I attribute that to being Cherokee too :)
  • Omgosh what did i get started.
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  • @mama_kat Grrr so jealous of the year round tan! My German side keeps me verrrrry pale in the winter lol.
  • Its relevant because it's a prime example of someone taking advantage of the system.
    Your making money, but not telling the government and then getting on welfare when you probably don't need it anyways, there are families who really need it and they are doing it because their lazy mooches.
    It may not be easy to get a green card, or citizenship, but it's not impossible and I completely understand how sometimes it not someones fault because they were born into it, but like you said he's paying taxes and doesn't live off welfare.
    If he can do it, and a bunch of othere people can do it why can't they? Just like for people who live off welfare for years at a time. They can get off their lazy butts and get a job or go to school if they dont want to work minimum wage. There are too many oppurtunities just handed to people for them to not do anything with their lives.
    I just feel like they should get off their ass and do something to help your childrens future, so they dont end up in the same situation.
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  • @firsttimemommytobe I used to get upset in school when we learned about what happened to the native Americans. But i always wanted to be an Indian when we did the pilgrims and Indians stuff at Thanksgiving!! I remember I had a Pocahontas birthday party when I was 10 with a teepee and I dressed up like her :) lol
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  • I lolove how we turned this discussion into a post about our native American roots!!! Lol
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