foodstamps and medicaid..vent



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  • Shoot we been paying for everybody else when we weren't on them so its our turn to get a little assistance a bad mom would let the child go hungry because they won't ask for help and plus many of these programs r getting money back from the dads like Medicaid and tanf
  • @firsttimemommytobe I definitely agree with everything you said.
  • If your an illegal immigrant, you are commiting a crime.
    Once you get a green card, you automatically become a U.S. tax resident and you must declare your entire income to the U.S. government. From there they will determ if you are eligible for these programs.
    When I say illegal immigrants, im referring to people who are here working illegally with unclaimed income who are feeding off the government.
    If you don't believe that's wrong, fine.

  • Until you walk in someone else's shoes, though, you shouldn't judge them.
  • My husband is an illegal immigrant because his mother brought him here when he was 9. Was he supposed to go apply to get his papers fixed at 9? He didn't even know where he was. He's 29 now and he's been trying to fix his papers since he was an adult. And he's been paying taxes since he was an adult. He doesn't have a green card. They don't hand those out like hot cakes. He also on top of taxes, has to pay a fine for being here all those years against his will. He couldn't go back to mexico when he turned 18 because he doesn't know a soul over there. I know a lot of people who are here illegally and need assitance and the funny thing is that they were their asses off. I also have quite a few citizen friends who are on welfare and don't do a damn thing. They sit on their ass because they feel like why should they work if the government will pay for their ipads, ipods, blackberries and nice cars? I guess my husband is just a criminal, huh, because he is paying for those people to sit on their butts.
  • @firsttimemomtobe if they r here illegally but r working they're most likely working under the table/off the books which mean they aren't paying any taxes which @luvbump said was illegal. Just saying
  • All the illegal immigrants I know pay taxes. They use a fake social.
  • @mariacon that's very illegal
  • Wow. How did this turn into an "illegal immigrant" debate? Just worry about yourself and your situation. As long as your kids are eating, be happy! I'm 23 weeks pregnant and working 45 hours a week, my husband works 40 plus hours per week and we still qualify for medicaid and WIC. Its a blessing. The government's always got problems and citizens will always have complaints. Don't worry about those who are too ignorant and irresponsible to have any type of empathy for the hardships of others. In the end, the only person you can control is you. So hold ur head up high, raise ur kids the best way you know how and give everybody else a smile and a peace sign! At the end of the day, the best gift you can give yourself is peace of mind!
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  • U can't justify a crime whether ur doing something good or not a crime is a crime. Its like a person robbing a bank to give to the poor yeah it might be a good deed but its not legal no matter how u try to justify it
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  • edited April 2011
    No but his mother was commiting a crime being over here illegally, and it's because of her actions that he's dealing with these problem. There are people like your husband who want to make things right, but then there are people who work here illegally and still get all the benefits of welfare. Welfare should be a hand up, not a hand out. There is a huge difference between living off welfare for years because your lazy and getting help in a time of need. The government will help you go to school, will help with transportation, daycare, housing , food, etc. There is no excuse to spend an excessive amount of time on welfare without even trying to do something for yourself. I have an ex who I met in highschool who was brought over here when he was 4 years old and his parents became citizens, they went through the effort to do everything the legal way. I also have my babys dad, His mom is an illegal in her 40's, had her first baby at 19, and has never had a job, but always has lived off welfare and housing. She has 6 kids by 6 different men and this is how she brought my ex and the rest of her kids up, to think its appropriate, when it's not. Her daughter is now following in her footsteps. So many other people can get help, why cant they? If your going to use the governments money why not go all the way, and use it to your advantage.. say.. going to college? The government will help single moms go back to school..
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  • HeWn I was pergnant with my 3 child one of my cousins wrote me on fb and called me a lowlife and every name under the sun. That all I do is lay around making babies I can't take care of. Myhusband had been working he lost his job right before we found out I was pregnant with number 3. She tried telling me I was getting welfare checks and buying my jobless husband games. First off welfear and foodstamps are two diffrent things. I have never gotten a check from the state. I get so pissed when people think welfare is the same as foodstamps and medical. Sorry its so long. But my husband has always worked. We pay into it and don't make enough for bills and food.
  • @mama_kat I have a Native American heritage also! What tribe are you?
  • @firsttimemommytobe if ur illegal how do u have a socials to get taxes taken out of ur check? Unless they r using fake ones like mariacon said but last time I checked that was illegal. Residents have socials but they aren't illegals people that r here on visas also pay taxes but they aren't illegals either. I'm not bashing anyone here I never said anything negative or rude. Hey if u need assistance go for w/e I know times r tuff for alot of people. I'm "just saying" ;)
  • edited April 2011
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  • @mama_kat Omg me too!!!! My great grandma was full blooded Cherokee, she lived in Virginia. We also have many Cherokee family members in our tree, so its very much in my blood! You can really tell when I get out in the sun! B-)
  • Just to note: I am referring to people "working the system", not just hispanics, not just illegals, I simply pointed out the governement gives tax dollars to people who are commiting crimes being over here. Yes, there are people who work under the table that aren't immigrants, and get welfare and that also is a crime. I live in San Antonio, so the majority of people around my area who are illegal are from mexico, i'm sure it would be different if I lived in another part of the country.
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  • edited April 2011
    @mama_kat In our family**** tree lol oops!
  • Mama kat I'm from wisconsin too. I don't use daycare. I'm staying home with my kids. We have three and are on number four. Daycare would cost way to much for us. I really want to start a daycare but need to wait for us to get a bigger place.
  • I think its not wrong or should,b looked down upon n the system needs to b revised so people who actually need assistance can get it my hubby n I barely made ends meet about 2 yrs ago so we applied n while at the office there was a man about 23 dressed really nice w some jordans n some nice jewelery n migjt I add a nice car w rims n he had gold teeth! He was there making a scene that he was hungry n neeeded his replacement card asap! What nerve! I was there w my boys n my hubby n we got DENIED! Somehow we made too much to b approved so im supposed to not pay my bills to get groceries? So not have a car to go to work in or buy groceries? It ticked me pff that this fool had all this luxury n he dont have to work his ass off or pik n choose wat to pay to put food on the table
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