foodstamps and medicaid..vent



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  • edited April 2011
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  • edited April 2011
    Having more than two adults in a bedroom is usually apartment rules, not government. So the last thing i'm going to say is.. Plain and simple if your over here illegally, which like i've said where i'm living at the majority are women from are commiting a crime, and criminals do not deserve to be told "oh it's okay to break the law, heres some money to help you out". You cannot rob a bank, and the cops say, oh it's okay, you can keep the money."
    There is no sugar coating it, ands, ifs, or but's about it. It doesn't matter if it's so and so's fault. It's illegal whether you agree with if it should be or not. That's why we have immigration officers, and laws, thats why people get deported, because they are not suppose to be over here, whether you love them or not. Now back to the veryyyyy first post I wrote. Tax payers b**** about people who are over here ILLEGALLY and are able to get government assistance. We are rewarding criminals, and yes. If you are here illegally, and working with a fake social security number, or working over the counter, you are a criminal.
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  • I love my roots!!! Im also German and I have a tattoo written in German on my ribs. It's important for me to know where I come from! :) plus it's fun to do rain dances! Lol :p
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  • Haha sweet!! I love my tattoos. I can't wait to get more when little booger comes out!
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  • edited April 2011
    @Mama_Kat That's why I think, illegals should be given more of an oppurtunity to become legal residents. As long as they do it the legal way. If the legal way wasn't such a effin pain in the butt alot more people would do it that way. Alot of illegals come over here to make a better life for themselves, and i'm sure if they could, they would be more than willing to go to school so they could have better jobs instead of working illegally.
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  • I want my nose pierced again and a Monroe but my boyfriend doesn't like them :( lol I'm sure I'll talk him into it some day.
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  • edited April 2011
    Arizona was the first state to take a stand, seeing as how they sued the federal government for money they had to pay out of pocket to protect their citizens and state from crimes that illegals were commiting because the federal government wasn't doing their job. It led to a very big crack down, and Texas is next. :)

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  • edited April 2011
    Ive had my personal reasons that I am opposed to illegals coming over here illegally.
    For one, my apartment was broken into and my purse was stolen with my car keys in it.
    I had just bought it for 4k, but it was my only source of transportation. It was then sold to an illegal who used it for drug trafficking(sp) and when they were caught it was impounded and they called me because I was on the VIN number, but I went through living hell fighting with these people who "bought it" illegally from a thief. My car was actually torn apart because the cops tore open every seat and what not looking for drugs. also, my ID and ssn that were in my purse along with my first credit card were also used illegally and for YEARS I had some lady using my information.. which tshe ruined my credit.. which led to many other problems and when they FINALLY caught the woman who was using it, they refused to tell me who she even was to "protect her identity", umm well what about my identity that got stolen?!? I fought and fought with the credit bureua etc. because it was not me doing any of this stuff.. and it took a long time to pay off debt that I didn't owe. So while it's hard not to judge someone when you havent been in their shoes, imagine your life being ruined by someone who wasn't suppose to be here in the first place. It goes both ways.
  • edited April 2011
    I really like the Roman numeral tat!! Sounds cool. I want my tragus pierced too and I had some cartilage piercings but I let them grow back. I'm tooooo scared to get my tongue lol even after getting a rib tattoo. But I love the way tattoos feel. Me and my bf are getting a lock and key tattoo when we get married and I'll probably get one for the baby! @firsttimemommytobe
  • edited April 2011
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  • That last comment proved that, if the government didn't make it so hard for people to become legal citizens, there would be a less of a chance of that happening. The car thing, I understand grand theft auto happens to alot of people. But if that woman had the opportunity to become legal she wouldn't have needed to use my ID and social.
    If both she and the person who stole my car wasn't here illegally, it wouldn't have happened altogether.
    Racism is completely different.
  • Mine will be the lock shaped like a heart but really like abstract and artsy and will be on my wrist and his will be the key and he'll probably keep it somewhere hidden lol.
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  • Yikes, sticky conversation. I guess I just have mixed feelings about all of this. I don't automatically judge people on assistance, but I have seen so many people abuse it, and that's obviously very annoying. For the people who are genuine, work hard, and still need help, great. I just remember being so...maybe jealous??? of a good friend of mine when we were younger. She had two kids before age 18. Shortly after we were both going to nursing school. Only because she had two kids: her college was paid for, her daycare was paid for, she lived in a brand spanking new townhome that was low income, for like $100 rent, she had discounted utilities, and probably also got assistance and food stamps (i'm not sure but I would assume). IN MY EYES (at the time) she had it made! This is how she lived for the next few years...while I lived at home with ma & pa until I was 24, worked to pay my bills, and went to college full time, and now have $30,000 in tuition. I pay $400 a month for my tuition now. This just always rubbed me the wrong way. Don't get me wrong...I AM SURE SHE HAD STRUGGLES ALONG THE WAY....but also kinda always seemed like she had it made. She always had everything she needed, a fully furnished house, new furniture, stuff like that...while I was shacking up with the parents. I am also not saying that she abused the system, just sharing one of my experiences. I guess I have just always adjusted my living style based on my income & situation.
  • Illegal immigrants and those who are defrauding the government and are getting welfare are hurting the economy even more than it already is. Which in the long run is going to effect the future generations. Where do you think this money comes from? Nothing is free. And the more the government spends now, the worse off our childrens futures are going to be because they will keep raising taxes and the economical struggle will continue to be worse and worse with more people on welfare all depending on the government until this country turns socialistic. Then you've got assigned housing, rationed foods and you have no say in your own life because the government takes any money you make while they "take care of you."
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  • We're planning for sometime next year, probably in June! We just wanna focus on the baby and save up as much money as we can! @firsttimemommytobe
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  • Whos paying the same taxes, illegals? because they dont pay federal taxes. Because they can't legally work.
    People who are abusing welfare? Because their unreported income is not being taxed.
    So no they are not paying the same taxes.
    If that were to happen to this country..Not only, would every American citizen suffer, but your children would suffer and their children would suffer and so on and so forth.. because your boyfriends illegal status in this country is more important than doing what is economically right for the well being of everyones future. SMDH. If you say so.
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