weed (this thread is being supervised by Mama_Kat, moderator)

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
Is there any mommies that smoked weed while they were pregnant .. no cigarettes, just weed ?? Will the baby be ok ?

(I, Mama_Kat, am personally keeping an eye on this thread. No bashing, if you disagree with ANYTHING that's being said... do so with respect or do not post a comment. Anyone who posts mean or hateful comments will be reported to @Martin.
-Mama_Kat, Pregly Support Team)


  • My mom smoked with me and I turned out fine. Im not supporting it but im not bashing it either. It will help with the morning sickness. You will probably get a lot of negative things said about smoking weed while pregnant on here.
  • Hahaha WHAT is this a serious question? No. Do not smoke weed. It is not good for your baby. Please don't.
  • Ik several ppl who did and babies were fine.. personally I wouldn't tho lol
  • Yeah you will make your baby an addict. When he/she goes through withdrawels, he may cry ALL the time. I wouldnt recommend it.
  • I have known a few women that smoked weed but stopped two months before they were due n things turned out ok, but u want to remember smoking it is more harmful then usinng vaporizer or eating. No judgement here.
  • Well I have seen several moms who drink while pregnant too and their babies were fine so let's just all smoke weed and get drunk! It probably won't hurt the baby! Especially if you "know someone who did".

  • It will not hurt yo baby and I know frm experience....
  • A lot of people may say some real negative things to u for posting this. But my sister smoked weed with all 4 of her kids and I know a handful of friends who did and every kid is perfectly fine.... but I don't think personally smoking anything.g while pregnant is healthy for baby.
  • I've have never seen a baby go thru withdrawals from weed... but pills yes. My mom smoked with my sister and she was fine.. normal birth weight and all.. she even told her dr she did
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  • Why must people be such a**holes on this app omg...everyone acts like they know it all too. If you are going to be sarcastic please go do it somewheres else geezzz.
  • With all do respect...i think u shouldnt...I mean y? what 4? im sure a mother can sacrafice her habit 4 nine months rather being iffy about wether or not it healthy 4 her baby....I mean im jus sayin whats more important mommy's high or baby's health? I would say dont chance it...=]
  • It most definitely can harm the baby. Maybe some of you know others that came out fine. But I know someone that had a baby with a birth defect( only one arm)...why take the chance?
  • @faithmom i like your thinkin diva =]
  • Some babies can end up having behavioral and focusing problems. My ex boyfriend's mom used and drank while pregnant with his sister and she is not "normal". Idk which affected her more though. I mean they tell you no smoking or drinking when pregnant for a good reason so I'm guessing weed isn't exempt.
  • @chels EXACTLY!

    fyi for alot of ppl its not about "getting high", it reduces morning sickness, fatigue, headaches, and for my mom it relieved back pain..
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  • I just want to let u know that if they find that in ur babies system after delivery they have obligations to report that to cyf. I'm not downing or degrading u at all, I just thought u should no that. I also know tons of children that turned out fine when their mothers smoked weed, and there has been times I thought about it,.however personally I would b too afraid to have my baby taken away from me, for even a day, over something I could have prevented.

  • This makes me so sad. Thats all I have to say... =/
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  • A lot of people feel very passionate about marijuana. Very. And I think the tension on the board has been high lately (no pun intended). People are looking for a reason to explode.
  • My opinion... There are going to be a bunch of people who will say negative things about it, mainly people who aren't educated about weed itself and will judge you whether you are pregnant or not.
    Honestly, the only thing that could harm the baby is carbon monoxide so brownies and baked goods would be your best bet.

    Weed is not addictive and there is barely any withdrawl symptoms and the only symptoms come if you smoke everyday for 6 weeks or more.

    And sometimes it isn't about the habit. I agree if you do it just to get high you can wait, but some people have horrible headaches/pains/morning sickness. Whatever happen to if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?
  • @mommatobe i said with all due respect mama meaning its jus an opinion...Now Personally i think thats a sad excuse to smoke weed seeing as how they have med to help with that....Besides the fact pulling the mommy card comes along with demands im one of the ppl that have trouble to conceive and id be glad to throw up & have back pains ect if it means i can have a bundle of joy....with all do respect i was jus answerin a question i really want no drama @chels =]'s come'on let be positive i take all advice openly......BTW smokin weed causes fatigue anyway...just sayin =]
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  • Yea everyones kinda blowin up on her over just asking a question... isn't this what the apps for??
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