weed (this thread is being supervised by Mama_Kat, moderator)



  • @BundleOfJoy there are lots of us here. Just have to weed through the negative to see the more compassionate ladies.... LOL weed through... made myself laugh... corny!
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  • edited March 2011
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  • @BundleOfJoy some ppl do get a lil heated over the subject.. lol.. but that is mommys for ya.. worried bout everyone :) Ohh and congrats on droppin cigs! Not an easy task.
  • edited March 2011
    Here is my input in the nicest way possible...my daughter goes to a special needs toddler school. There are 2-3 yr olds who were born to addict moms, moms who drank and even smoked weed. In addition to autisim, downs and everything else. Its heart breaking to see these children struggle in an already difficult world. Everyone always thinks not me...thats not true. Now I am no pollyanna prego...i am just posting becauase I vs. seen the results first hand...for what its worth
  • @ghettobetty oh my goodness i can't stop laughing!!!
  • You can't get addicted to weed. Neither can your baby.
  • I thought autism and downs are mostly genetic.
  • I read online quite a bit about this cause i was smoking weed then found out i was pregnant, i am only 5 weeks along, but i quit, i don't want to take the chance. What i learned online is that you have to smoke large amounts for it to have a negative affect on your baby. Im talking 10+ joints a day. My husband and i were only sharing 2 a night. So i think im safe. Im more worried about the cold and flu pills i took before i knew i was pregnant. But i do not advise taking anything without your doctors consent. It is in best interest of the baby you don't. I too know moms who smoked up while pregnant, and yes it can help with morning sickness, but there are medications out there that do the same thing without the adverse side affects. Just think it through and do what is best for you. Good luck. And i know there are lots of ppl out there who have strong feelings regarding this. But try not let it get you down. :)
  • @jwigs i had a friend who had a son with severe autism. Meth.
  • I knew someone would take it too far.... even with mamakats warning amazing!
  • Nope @jwigs no genetic history on either side...just a spontaneous fluke that i delivered a trisomy 21 baby
  • my mom jus had a baby a lil over a year ago she smoked weed everyday to help with sickness and it helped when she had absolutely no appetite..she was worried they might take the baby so she told her nurse she smoked they told her thay the drug test already came back n she was clean so they didnt even test her for weed..they r lookin for hard stuff and pills..but then again i live in vegas and weed is the last thing that they care about
  • My friend smoked weed all through her pregnancy. Her lil boy is a year old now and has all types of breathing problems...she doesn't think its bc she smoked when she was preggo but I think that's the reason y. His breathing is terrible but I don't ever say anything to her about it.
  • This is a really easy subject to judge, especially if someone has not ever had weed in any form. Personally, I'd say if you can stop (or slow down) to do so, just because its such an inconclusive item. It may cause problems, it may not!!
    As for other drugs (medication) to help with morning sickness...well I can attest to them not always working. I was on them, and they made me so constipated that I got very sick. So not everyone is the same.
    I understand that someone have trouble conceiving, and truly, my heart goes out for them. However, that does not give you the right to tell someone that they should have their child taken away. If you feel disrepected by this, then quite honestly, don't read. The topic of this conversation was not a mystery!
    And lastly, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
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  • @uncaffeinated_katie Agreed. Everything has side effects!
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  • I was a heavy smoker before I got pregnant. I could easily smoke a 20 bag a day. I quit the day I found out I'm pregnant. My husband's ex wife also smoked when she found out she was pregnant with their son. She also quit after she found out.
    I'm not smoking during my pregnancy just in case it could be harmful. It could be laced with something harmful like PCP or cocaine which would not be good for baby! I've never gotten PCP weed, but I have gotten cocaine laced weed a few times without knowing until I took a hit.
    I had pretty horrible morning sickness and I get migraines and various aches, but I'm not even taking tylenol. I'm going as natural as possible. It sucks to deal with it, but I know it will be worth it :D
    I think if you quit now, your baby will be perfectly healthy and definitely drug free by the time you give birth. Every other person in my family is a pothead, even some of my grandparents, and some have smoked during pregnancy and had great babies except where genetics crapped out on them (alcoholism, etc.)
  • Good parents don't do drug period. Weed is what stupid teens do to pass time. Working parents are to busy being responsible to do such stupid activities.
  • I'm getting married and pregnant with third. While I've quit smoking and take no pills except tylenol while pregnant my life has not ended. I will be going out with friends drinking smoking kickin it! After I have this baby and done brestfeeding. I don't know what I would do if my adult time having fun ended. Definitely makes me a happier mommy when I go out and have me time!
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  • Someone in here just took itWAY to far. My blood is boiling
  • @headersue that was not at anyone exclusively. Rather a generalized comment after reading what several people wrote. I'm not trying to call individuals out on anything.
  • @82mileyrae so are yo saying I'm not a good parent ?
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  • I wonder how many responsible hard working parents smoke some weed every now and then? Wonder if you asked their children if they thought their parents were the best they'd say, the very best! Seriously, I think the main issue is, its illegal. I also wonder if people will feel so negative about this issue if/when it becomes legal????
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