weed (this thread is being supervised by Mama_Kat, moderator)



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  • @mama_kat, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the warning before locking and/or deleting a thread.
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  • @faithmom77 Why chalk the one-arm to weed? It could have easily been anything, including just genetic defect. Sometimes genes just aren't perfect, and in turn that's no reason to blame a defect on one single thing.

    And to @lovemyangels stop commenting if you can't be nice or have some constructive criticism to contribute. There is plenty of posts that @mama_kat and other moderators have posted asking for respect and constructive crits and no rudeness (which sarcasm can be considered as such. I certainly consider it so)
  • No ones even asked or knows if she smoked before she found out n is just making sure it will be ok, or if she's still smoking or wanting to. Her question was would a baby be ok if someone smoked while pregnant not if she smokes through her whole pregnancy will it be ok.....I'm not an expert, but my mother did smoke weed throughout her whole pregnancy with me on a daily basis, I'm fine. Never had any health problems, and I'm NOT an addict, I don't even like the stuff. I hate it personally for myself but I don't judge anyone who decides to use. I say if u wanna kno cuz u were a smoker n want to see if it will be ok cuz u smoked before u knew baby'll be fine, but if u want to kno cuz ur wanting to continue smoking, id say don't do it. The risks aren't clear yet on what complications may come of it n no point in risking baby for 9 months of ur long life that u would have to stop to protect em. Good luck girl. Wishing u n baby the best!
  • @starmom22 and I was only stating my opinion as well hun.. and my mom did try meds lol but its all good. NO DRAMA HERE. Haha. :)
  • I think alot of people are overlooking the fact that u.s. culture puts a stigma on it. The study from the link above is actually looking at a completely different cultural perspective. Most causes of birth defects are unknown but there has been no proof that smoking weed is a cause. Alcohol on the other hand does have substantial proof for causing birth defects. I feel like everyone should do a little reading before they pass judgements like they know things that even researchers can't prove.
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  • A very good friend of mine who had never smoked anything in her life got pregnant when we were 18 (9 yrs ago) and was very very sick throughout her whole pregnancy. Because she only weighed about 100 lbs and was so sick, she almost lost the baby a handful of times in the first 4 months so her ob actually prescribed marijuana for her. She was directed to take 3 hits at a time about every 4-5 hours. Her beautiful daughter not only turned out healthy but incredibly smart and well behaved. Always talk to your doctor, they know your situation better then anyone else so if you are having medical issues with your pregnancy you should definitely do what the doc tells ya. Good luck!!
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  • @lovebug lesson learned here...that moma was all in for her jit! =] love it!!! totally diff story
  • edited March 2011
    Whoa whoa whoa
  • edited March 2011

    This was due to a severe problem in trying to type, @mama_kat. It wouldn't let me type anything and then posted keyboard mash when I tried to get it to. Do I report this to martin?
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  • @starmom22 :)

    I think everyone is going to do what they want to anyways, but in my opinion weed is better than somethings that moms do out there while pregnant!!
  • My midwife said it was fine. She said 20% of her mothers smoke regularly and she has yet to see an unhealthy baby from it. My sister smoked with her first and that baby was so calm and well behaved. Didn't smoke at all with the second and that baby was a colic baby. @mama_kat I'm so happy you aren't biased on anything. Thanks for keeping the post up
  • @Bundleofjoy...I say if its as bad as what @lovebug said 2 wer ur babies life is at state then yea ask doc and puff puff mayb give if ur not stingy lol If u can take the sickness then stick it out like the tuff cookie u are...I lik mamas like u who keep the little ones in mind =]
  • Oh dear!!! I cannot believe ppl sometimes im not being mean but in all seriousness are you forreal ahhh
  • i have a friend that did, the baby came out fine. She didnt know she was but when she found out she was (at 3 months) she stopped. Ask your doctor, no studies have been shown to affect the child
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  • Oh .. no one is offending me. As long as you keep it respectful I will. I'm a tough cookie but maintain your respect .. @lovemyangels

    Anywho, I do smoke weed but stopped smoking cigarettes. As you ladies acknowledged it helps with my morning sickness and headaches. I have slowed down and am actually stoppinp tomorrow, I just thought I'd ask. Furthermore, before some of you ladies jumped the gun you were unclear if I had smoked or not. So pump your breaks and stop being so judgemental .. that's not what this forum is for. Half of you didn't even know what you were talking about .. the baby will be an addict ? Yeah right.

    However I do intend on stopping, that's not an option, I just figured it would be good topic for discussion.

    I have seen NUMEROUS mothers who smoke and babies have turned out fine, but that doesn't make it okay for mine. I mean, I feel like its better than smokin cigs tho. I dropped that like a bad habit.
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  • Thanks all you ladies who are on pregly to help other women. I love this app and you guys for that =)
  • I just want to add in here everyone is saying that they know people who have smoked and their kids are fine but most things that it would effect won't show up till the late teens and each individual pregnancy is different so where one might not be affected one will it's a pretty big risk! And I know plenty of people who have done it about half the babies are messed up and unless you grow it totally on your own you run the risk of it being laced with anything else!!
  • Not in colorado: ) @bundleofjoy we love you too: )
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