weed (this thread is being supervised by Mama_Kat, moderator)



  • I agree that everyone should be better educated about marijuana. It actually used to be illegal NOT to grow it in the US. If you have netflix, watch the union, super high me. Lots of information, even stuff the government did to keep people in the dark and turn research for their own use. Smoke of any kind does reduce amount of oxygen that reaches baby for a period of time.
    Personally, i smoked during my last pregnancy, morning and evening, drs orders. She did tell me to be sure it wasn't laced with other harmful chemicals, but said it would help with my appetite and rest at night. My daughter is two and in perfect health. My stepson, 7, was exposed to prescription drugs in utero, mood stabalizers, nausea meds, don't know what else. He is ADHD, has socializing problems, and depression. Just speaking from personal experience, don't want to offend!
  • My husband cousin smoked though 4 pregnancy n all 4 kids came out fine I won't do it cuz I get sick from it
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  • Okay how about we go with the fact that it's illegal??? Also would any of you eat somethings like unpasturized cheese? Cause they say that could hurt but it's not a definite so why chance it with anything is my point and to whom ever implied that I was accusing them of having diminished mental capacity it wasn't the case just that it could happen and who knows cause each pregnancy is different!!
  • @mama0811 I'm 15w4d and don't know my sex either. I'm so anxious. Has your baby moved yet ?
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  • @mama0811 I know. Their forcing me to wait until then to find out the sex too. I'm like goin crazy.
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  • @mama0811 I want a boy .. but I can only think of girl names. lol
  • I've never done ANY drugs...

    I understand a doctor prescribing it for MEDICAL reasons.
    But my question is...

    So if weed is not physically and mentally addicting...why can't people stop for their unborn child?
  • edited March 2011
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  • @aaronsArmyWife if you read the thread you'll see that almost every lady in here stopped when they got pregnant.same here
  • For what its worth....My mom openly addmited to me that she smoked weed through both of her pregnancy's. My brother almost died at birth. He was lifeflighted to a major hospital and spent over a month there. I was ok. Blame it on whatever you want, but I will say that when I found out she couldn't put aside her "addiction" to ensure the health and safety of my brother and I, I lost massive amounts of respect for her. And don't get me wrong, I have smoked pot in my past. But I personally cannot imagine anything worthwhile enough to endanger my child just because I want it, or it helps me eat, or makes pregnancy easier. Millions of women handle pregnancy and morning sickness without it. Thats just my opinion. Take what you want and leave the rest.
  • Well said @sunshine25! I couldnt of said it better! If there was still i + button i'd hit it(:
  • Personally, I have chosen not to smoke while pregnant. But I do know women who have. Their children seem fine but who knows. I am a chemist and I will strongly agree that the CO2 is not good for you, it litterally deprives your brain of oxygen and therefore your baby. Some women take decongestants, pain killers, eat terrible food, work in hazardous environments, there are many things that are unknown. Weed is what I call the less of many evils. I do remember reading somewhere that there may be a correlation between smoking weed and ADD but I'm not sure. I personally question the safety of ultrasounds, epidurals, pitocin, demerol, stadol, cytotec and many other things that doctors tell us are perfectly safe with very little information and no long term studies. The weed I may have smoked before knowing I was pregnant is the least of my concerns. Now at 22 weeks, each decision is based on what is best for my baby AND myself. He depends on me, I am important too.
  • Very well spoken
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