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- Noliesxjustlove
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I'm wondering if she did have a surrogate if they did all that maximum security so no one could come forth and call them out in it. I mean most people that use surrogates use their egg and sperm so it is their biological child and no one calls them …
You can do what they do for the parties. Have the tech write it down n put it in an envelope. Hand it to your grandpa and tell him its his special secret. If u want to know just let him and u in on it and don't tell anyone else :)
Yeah it was yellow tinted snotty stuff when I first wiped and then when I pushed it was that lump followed by even more yellow tinted snotty stuff. Being pregnant is a beautiful thing but the process of labor starting can be gross!
Omg she's gorgeous! In the first picture I had to laugh because her hand position makes her look like she's going to fight you. :-D
They have theses gel ones that will contour to your little ones ear canal n u can use them a few times n throw them out but they come in a box with a lot in them. My mom used to use them to keep the water out if my ears when I had tubes. Look in the…
Its normal at thirty seven Welsh. I got "eh barely a fingertip so maybe a centimeter and just starting to efface" and not much more then that at my 38. It will happen! Don't get discouraged its still early yet.
I hate to say it but Hugh Laurie. He's Soo!o sexy to me and Idk why
It will rain- Bruno mars. Never mind ill find someone like you I wish nothing but the best for you don't forget me I begged I remember you said " sometimes it lasts in love sometimes it hurt instead"
I'm still here. I'm Lana im 21 due the 14th with a girl.
@babynumber3ontheway.....if that's the name you have loved since being a little girl then use it silly! :)
Well looks like I gotta start cleaning and see if it stops. I really hope this is it I'm so eager to meet my little girl.
Wow that's something I did not know.
So even though my cervix was hard and I wasn't dilated much I could still be in labor? Sorry people just out so much emphasis on there dilation and effacement to determined when they are in labor. Thanks though girls!
I do feel it in my back . My stomach clenches then I have a dull pain that spreads front to back gets worse then tapers down. I feel it in my butt and legs too? I'm 38+4 weeks
@fate sorry my phone I just realized turns the j into h. I meant Jayden.
Me personally like to stay away from the Auden trend going on but I definatly like Hayden better. Its more masculine n he'd have a cute nickname!
Tell him good luck n tons of prayers! My bf is looking as well n its hard to even get an interview. I'm sure he'll do great :)
Omg I'm so happy for u !
Honestly....I think you should let her off her leash. I think you should tell her you love her and let her know that you want to work in things. Go see a counsler together and maybe agree to spend some time a part to let her clear her head. You mess…
Haha its all good. My phone does crap like that all the time
They could be. I had them a few times before I got preggo when my hair would start growing back and they would take like two weeks to clear up. Maybe its because I'm not shaving as well or as carefully n I'm getting more ingrown or causing abrasions…
OK I just did the research and it does use 4da technology. I think it would be neat but I'd only use it in times of doubt. I think it'd take the surprise factor away and desensitize me to the ultrasounds my doctors order. I think it'd add excitement…
I'm thinking its not the actual baby they use a prototype for every day it grows its just sensitive enough to see when they flip around or what they are doing. Or maybe it just picks up a heartbeat and tells you the baby is doing things? Idk if it i…
Baby dust for everyone!
Happy new year to u as well. Hopefully its a quick catch for you :p. Gl girl!
Shh thank you for answering. I think I freak out a little bit more now because I can't see anything beyond my belly button lol.
Ill be naming my little girl Athena Shea. Athena is the goddess of war and wisdom and I wanted my little girl to have a strong first name that was different but not out there. Shea is because she's going to have a lot of Irish in her n I was going t…
@txmommy93011...your kind of lucky. I'm afraid of going in every week and getting more and more frustrated and sad if I don't dilate.if I could just go into labor that'd be great lol @christinalynn damn girl I would have definatly strangled someone.…
She told me I was just starting to efface and soften. I don't want to go over due lol. I know its all up to her but she's so low n it hurts. @txmommy93011 you never got checked?! @ sands so how did you know you were in labor? Did you get induced or …