


29 weeks!! Can't wait to meet my son...plus I'm so ova bein pregnant..le sigh..


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  • At least all u guys kno when ur bein induced..I'm 2 days late n seeing my Dr again Monday for changes..I'm only 1 centimeter now n frankly soo frikken ova bein pregnant. My Dr won't induce til I'm 10 days late ( she's a midwife so natural is preferr…
  • Name must start wit a j cuz dat baby will feel left out compared to his/her siblings. I'm one of four n siblings can be harsh on each other..how wud u answer when baby ask u why doesn't my name start wit a j like everyone else??
  • Childhood n help them do betta then u did
  • At least ur honest about how u feel n ur fears..too many teen moms got their heads in da Damn clouds!! My lil sis is one of them..I'm 26 n having my 1st n I'm still scared..wit that bein said my mom started having kids at 19 and although she has don…
  • See what I mean?! Lol, my baby turn a week older every wed I assume but if its counting frm the date of the beginning of my last period I'm 20 weeks, the book says it can't count frm conception cuz no1 can pinpoint the moment of conception cuz sper…
    in Ahhh! Comment by gibbs_wife April 2011
  • Smh at all of u!!!_ lmaooo!! I thought I was bad??! Yal funny as hell...no judgement just sayin!!!! Oh n lmao at those x rated dreams!!! Just when I thought I was alone! Thanx ladies for makin me feel normal!!
  • Hey if ur usin this app on ur phone like I am, in ur stats ul see it say week 19/this is the 20th week...smh...adding to my confusion..
    in Ahhh! Comment by gibbs_wife April 2011
  • Oh n its not the last day of ur period but the first day of ur last period....
    in Ahhh! Comment by gibbs_wife April 2011
  • I do and so does the book, that's why I'm confused, according to the book we're 20 weeks tho..Idk its confusing n frustrating..I got an appointment next Wednesday ima ask my Dr wtf is goin on..I'm alil pissed about it bein so confusing lol, I just w…
    in Ahhh! Comment by gibbs_wife April 2011
  • U can't post sumthin so negative then not expect negative posts..real men do exist!! Nobody is perfect but to say sumthin like that isn't right..u just happened to run into the wrong man, plain n simple. It's unfortunate but now u gotta do what u go…
  • @mommyclaudiaaaa yea but these the whole things about counting frm da first day of ur last period instead of the two weeks afta. I'm reading what to expect when expecting and according to the book if my first day of my period was December 15 then I'…
    in Ahhh! Comment by gibbs_wife April 2011
  • Lol I'm due the same day, n want a boy too..only I don't want to find out wat it is...question since we are due the same day how many weeks did ur Dr say u are I kinda have a debate on exactly how many wks I am..
    in Ahhh! Comment by gibbs_wife April 2011
  • I noticed most of u moms started having babies earlier than I did, that's probably gonna limit the number of kids I have...I'm thinkin only 1 more, two is enough for me seeing as I'm starting at 26 I wanna be done by 30, don't wanna be raising kids …
  • Thank u ladies for u responses, great insight.
  • @bummy87...that wud be too much for me..bein that young wit 3, so more power to u..
  • @ashley_smashley...I'm 26 n while I don't want them back to back I do get wat ur sayin, I'm da second born n my lil SIS is 7yrs younger..I hate that she sees me as anotha motha lol, can't tell her anything..at least not the way sisters talk..il prob…
  • idk yet what im having but i loved my boo since i was 13 n now at 26 pregnant wit my 1st i adore him more...not 24/7 but i love him tons!!
  • @rachdb yes it is!!! Lmao I'm frm Brooklyn n I've been there b4!!! Lmaooo
  • It does, sorry...u don't.wanna do sumthin like name her that bcuz in this world we live in ppl r judged by the name on an application, she can grow to b an amazing person but her name can hold her back n u don't want that I think that's were ur mom …
  • @lilmommma I'm sorry to hear that because it sounds to me u can do better...I've known my husband since I was.13 n his mom like me just fine but when we got back together she started hating me, I understand how crazy these moms can be, but he has to…
  • @lilmommma story of my life, even after moving for Brooklyn, ny to Cali my husband's mom continues to get in the frikken way..I finally told him I'm not gonna make him choose ima just go back to ny. Packed my bag n had them at da door when he came h…
  • I'm a nyc beauty stuck in lemoore, ca, 45 min from fresno....Damn da navy!!!!!!
  • I'm in med school n I can tell yall dat da moment or even day of conception can not be pinpointed, dats why ur Dr asks Wats da 1st day of ur last menstrual cycle. From that day up to 2weeks afta conception can occur( not on da days ur flowing tho). …
  • One word........BACON!!!!!! Lots of it da pork kind..Wats funny is I don't eat pork at all n only liked turkey Bacon...14 wks down many more to go
  • @Jenny73. I agree wit u completely. Ladies these exes wit kids r permanant becuz their kids r foreva. I know it may be late 4 u guys cuz ur expecting babies but this is exactly why I pick one who doesn't have baggage, I know me n I couldn't deal wit…
  • Due sept 21 14 wks on da 23rd of march, first baby at 25, for me n my hubby who's 30. Hoping 4 a Virgo like me, by bday is Sept 2!!!
  • Lmaooo, atleast Im not alone in how I feel! I'm only 14 wks n summer is already here in Cali, but I will be at da beach show my huge belly girl n I suggest do da same....ps show his past that u n baby r his future!! I say go enjoy urself, n afta u h…
  • In my opinion if he is not ready now he wont magically be ready when ur baby arrives. If ur.happy n ready 2 be a mom also be.prepared 2 do this alone, if not n abortion is not the end of the world. As I say this do know I never had 1 myself but I ha…