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  • They just do a job dont worry :)
    in Porn? Comment by ponylover May 2011
  • Something i am finding hard is all the girls on here that smoke or want abortions when there are those of us desperate to have a happy healthy baby.
  • When teething! ouch, thats when its gotta end. 8 yrs old thats very very wrong, though we have had a tv programme on in UK with a woman breastfeeding a 15 year old teenager so my guess is there are a few of these weirdos out there.
  • The gay men i know would make great parents.
  • sounds like a right brat, maybe its just super bad wedding nerves and she will realise in a few weeks when she has no one there?
  • If he is in prison for being a criminal and you are too scared to go out maybe he is not the man for you, does not sound like a normal relationship. also if he has commited a crime maybe you should leave him.
  • @mom2_4 do not be so rediculous. Oh yes no one should have children what a great idea?! If i knew my child was going to be bullied and have a horrible life and possibly take its own life i would not have it. Once again some woman jumping in without …
  • ok so if you knew that if you had a baby it would definately be a nerd with huge teeth thick glasses etc and would definately be bullied would you still do it? Its not about what kids say, its the fact that a child who is innocent will be put straig…
  • Its nothing to do with being gay, something i have no problem with. I figured everyone would interpret it this way. The simple problem if you can try and understand is this - How can people knowingly bring children into the world KNOWING they WILL b…
  • @AandK1031 Thanks for being honest i think alot of people say they are fine with it cos thats what they feel they should say im sure alot of people are weird with it espeically as it is so new.
  • @lilbun915 I am from just near essex. @mommyforever thats good to hear especially from texas lol, not known to be the most acepting of that sort of thing! Thanks all.
  • I think the problem is that i only know of one child at school with same sex parents and she was bullied to suicide and i really dont think things have moved along that much that the same cant be said to happen. Also this lady inparticular states th…