Any one on food stamps??



  • I get $367 4r my son & I...I'll b getn almst $500 wen my daughtr iz born.
  • I just quit mine. They wanted to come to my apartment to interview me plus I probly wouldn't get them anymore because my husband makes more at his new job. Problem is, after all our expenses, we barely have enough for food :( stupid backwards system. Ugh.
  • My husband and i get 297 a month. We are both on ssi due to health problems. Don't know how much we will get when baby comes. I am due in october. I also get wic. We live in Michigan
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  • Lol indeed, fs and wik I only get 200 a month, but I can't claim my fiance as my fiance cuz they will take like half that from me and 200 doesn't go far with what I eat (everything fresh our organic for the baby)
  • Im from Michigan and I'm unemployed but a full time student and because I'm in school and don't work at least 20 hours a week I don't qualify.. that's some BS when I know ppl who just get stamps and have no kids, no jobs, doing nothing...
  • SuperMommy89- I'm in the same position as u n it totally sucks! N I thought since I was pregnant that I would at least get something but they said it doesn't matter until the baby is born. :'(
  • Must be nice I make 1200 a month and the cut off is 1174 so I make to much so after I pay my bills I have 160 left to by food and gas needless to say I don't eat stakes every week
  • I wish I could..I get wic but that's it...but my mom is on ssi and she gets them, so she takes me food shopping once a month and let's me spend $125...still doesn't get a ton of stuff though!
  • @supermommy89 the system isn't set up to help people that want to help themselves. When u try to better urself u lose benefits or they're dropped to where u still have to struggle. My mother was on assistance for many yrs and finally gave up and just struggled while she earned her Bachelors degree. It was either give up college or give up assistance. Thank God she made the right choice. It was hard for awhile but she is doing very well financially now. Im proud of my mom. Graduated@ 48 yrs old.
  • I get stamps and i love it there my best friend i get mine every month on the 13
  • Ok I'm new to it too. So u can get it before You have the baby?
  • edited April 2011
    @Carley: i know some people get on them for selfish reason. I also know many people that work their butts off and still qualify for them because their rent and utilities exceed what they make in a month. My husband works 40 hours a week and we still qualify because of how much our bills are compared to what he makes.
  • @new_momma: you can see if you qualify but can't count your baby til after they are born.
  • Are you all single moms? I'm in Tx and a full time student so I don't work. I have a 6 year old and I'm 7 months pregnant but because I live with my boyfriend they told me I don't qualify because he's required to support me and my daughter.
  • I live with my fiance. We receive fs as a family. We r both n school full time and i work 8_10 hours a week. If we didnt have fs, we wouldnt b able to feed the kids. We r finally gettin on our feet. Im excited i finally got off the cash assistance!
  • Wow there are a lot of us!! We just went shopping!!! We get a lot too but we spend it. We try and eat natural or organic and that can be really expensive! I'm just glad I have that option to feed my kids healthy while my husband and I go to school.
  • @Carley I see that now.. it sucks because if I work I have to drop to part time student then my funds for school will be cut and I will end up paying more out of pocket. I tried getting cash assistance which I qualify for but my worker was a total B- WORD ughh... so I'm just getting insurance from the state and I have my savings account which will be empty very soon with the cost of living on the rise... But I have faith and don't worry too much. I pay mostly out of pocket for grocery wheew... Im just waiting to finish school .. I'm definitely not stopping now... Good for your mom I'm certain I will take her route..
  • I don't really like being on fs. But damn, I worked my ass off for 5 years and struggled. Now that I've lived at my moms, I couldn't find a job, I looked, its just a really small town. I had to let my car get repossessed. So I live off of my moms generosity, foodstamps, wic and medicaid while I'm pregnant. I don't 'like' it. Nor do I buy steaks. I am even embarrassed to have or pay with a lone star card (texas)
  • In texas u get 150 per person n ur i got a family of 3 n i get 526..n income with 3 cant be over 1453 a month b4 ill be gettin more once i add baby..n my bf moves in
  • Ok sorry to sound like a bitch but damn I get irritated when I go to the store & see people filling their baskets up with a bunch of junk and then using their f.s. card to pay for it. I'm like damn if I can go to work 5 days a week and use my own damn money to support my family of 4 then why can't the rest of you using government assistance do the same? Sometimes its just pure laziness-sometimes. I use cash for everything I buy or own & since I'm a taxpayer I guess I'm footing the f.s. bill too! I know stuff happens but its quite annoying having to hella budget at times and look for deals when I see people wasting like its nothing! I couldn't imagine spending $6 or 800 on food a month! My family would probably be huge! Sorry if I offended anyone but I just went shopping and witnessed a frenzy! I don't get any type of government assistance and I just got turned down for a raise b/c I apparently get paid more than anyone in my co. With the same position so I'm in a bitchass mood! (Totally deserve one but my co. Are tightwads) <3
  • I live in CT I get 526 for myself son n daughter I gotta put my unborn baby on when I have her
  • @melodya I'm right there with ya.
  • Def get excited when they get refilled! :) my fs just got dropped down for some weird reason. We get 210 for 4 bf shares custody of his daughter 50/50 does anyone know if she could be claimed..I'm thinking no bc we cnt clain her on any other assistance we get. I always mean to call but
  • I'm on WIC and have a food card for that but can only get certain things like milk,bread,eggs,cereal, and juice. I'm gonna look into getting a food stamp card too because I can't even get like meat and stuff on my WIC card
  • We get 550 between my husband 13 mo old and me. When she was on formula and drinking 8oz bottles we would spend over 150 of it on just that. Before we got on them we would eat the$ 1banquet tv dinners 2-3 times a week bc that's what we could afford(this was before our daughter). Me and my husband are both employed(half time for me and full time for him) and full time college students. Our rent accounts for almost half our income bc of where we live. We both worked for almost a decade w/o any assistance so we have payed into the system we are using and once school is done when we be making quite a bit more than now so we will pay back what we used in taxes.
  • Cant wait til Monday either bc we have$ 4 til then. Dipping into the back of the freezer tonight lol
  • I qualified for medicaid, but NOT FS. My social worker was a ****! I even told her shess acting like if Im askn for her assistance!! So, Ill re apply once bby is here.
    I live in TX, 2Kids 2 Adults plus bby on its way.. How much would i recieve?
  • I get 529 now that I'm preg and with my babies. But before I got preg I was only getting 280
  • I get 464 for me and my two kids. My husband isn't eligible bc he's illegal. Ill get more when my bby is born
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