Any one on food stamps??



  • Wow I cant believe ppl r getting upset because some of us need assistance due to what ever issue we have. I work and have rent light water and no kids yet and I get 200 a month because of all the bill total still I wouldnt have enuff for food. We are NOT lazy because of assistance.
  • My husband works 7 days a week sometimes twelve hour days. He works his ass off but is self employed money is not regular or in abundance. No one in this house is lazy. And on top of that...medically,he's considered disabled.
  • I get 400 for me and my kids and I work so its not all about laziness
  • edited April 2011
    I agree that lazy may not have been the best choice of words. However I totally understand where she is coming from. My husband and I work our butts off and i get a good amount of social security survivor benefits for my first two children as their father passed away a couple of years ago. I. Have a family of 5 soon to be 6 and I can't keep my cupboards and fridges full. I know of plenty of households that are fully capable of working however they live off of the state and eat like kings. I AM thankful for the wellfare services as years ago as a single mom I did benefit from their help but it was never meant to be a way of life for me and my family. For those of you who are using the system while you work to improve yourself, I think that is EXACTLY what it is meant for. But there are those that take advantage and have the luxury of eating steak once a week, that is extremely irritating to people like me who choose to be self sufficient and stress about food and money. I'm sure I will piss some of you off. That is not my intent just stating my feelings on this topic.
    I'm with you @melodya
  • I work my ass off as much as possible. I dont even make enough money to pay my damn bills. Dont judge people just because we get fs. We dont control how much we get, they just give it to us. I make out a list each month for what i need. After that we have some extra money for "pregnancy cravings..." Lol
  • i get 668.00 and it only last 2 weeks, it used to last the whole month until my stupid ass nephews moved in, i have 3 kidd of my own and my nephews eat everything in a matter of a week or two and dont care if anyone else eats or not so i gave them till today to get the hell out of my house (sorry i need to vent) i have put uo with them for 5months already and no more 22 & 24 yrs old and cant even get a damm job, have broken my kidd beds, tv and dont help out in the house at all... i just needed to get this out of me...
  • Well I really don't like that now I'm on the point of needing assistance but I have work for 10 years straight w no assistance now I do really need it and really think that I have paid enough to the system it took me 4 months to finally put my pride down and apply now at least I a little of less stress
  • I thinks it is a great program but ppl that choose not to work just bc they can get free money and food its a shame I work 6 days a week 50 hours a week my husband works 5 days at 1 50 hours a week and then works all day Saturday just so we can make ends meet. I drive an hour one way to work every day and can not find a job closer to home to work at so I'm loosing 600 a month in gas money that would be going to food so there's no such thing as money left over for "prego foods" but if we were to apply for FS we would be denied bc we work every extra minute we get to make ends meet even if that means doing with out. I'm sorry if I offend anyone but if you sit in our shoes and the many nights that we eat hotdogs or bologna sandwiches bc that's all we have you would understand but as a mother that's a sacrifice I can make.
  • @melodya I personally feel that the criteria for receiving gov assistance should be changed. I believe people should be required to provide a plan of how they plan to better themselves and get off assistance. Even if its a 5 yr plan. Were human and we all have the potential to fall on hard times and should not be judged under those circumstances. Its those that fully intend to use gov assistance as their means to live and have no intent or desire for self improvement that upset me. I would love to believe that most people on assistance are not lazy free loaders but we all know there are some. However,its not the fault their children and the still deserve to eat. The world will always be populated by the haves and the have nots. Ultimately its a personal decision which category you choose to be in. Just because you start at the bottom doesn't mean you have to stay there.
  • I agree that there are people out therethat don't want to work and use the system. Get this..I had these neighbors that used to live by me that had 3 kids together...the father worked, but they would not get married because she would lose all of her foodstamps, and medicaid for all of them if they did. So talk about all of her kids were 7 and up so she was able to get a daytime job...she was nothing but a fat slob...bunch of real winners if you ask me. Once my baby gets here I have thought about getting foodstamps because between me and my fiance's income (we show proof of both of our income to gov assistance) and we make approximately about 1800 to 2000 a month. We both work full time jobs and feel like we are barely making it. We do not live luxurious by any means. Our only source of internet is thru my phone....we have no satelite or cable or anything so we just watch movies over and over. We both drive super old cars...I drive a 1989 berretta and he drives a 96 chrysler jeep...its tough. And I have debated not having this baby because of how worse we would be. I don't think I would be able to provide for it as much as we need to. I think I am going to tough it out tho and just keep working though and hang my head high. I have a great family that supports me...there are some of us put there and need assistance that do work our butts off that still have nothing but there are others out there that have no business getting assistance.
  • I love it too, i work, hubby works and we still qualify, but we have a large family. if you really break it down, it only comes out to a couple of dollars per meal, per person a day....but everything helps!
  • FS is a wonderful program that helps all families not just the unworking. I am on a strict budget $125week for groceries. I'm proud to say I don't qualify for anything, wic included. I'm not jealous @ all. People need help sometimes. Find ways in life to pay it forward tho.
  • I normally get $200 but I took to long to mail in my renewal do I have to wait til may I am mlving into my apt & have no food I get medicaid & wic to
  • wow. they only give me $17.00 a month.. I'm jealous!!
  • call asap, don't starve to death waiting till may. They can assist u. Local churches can help too.,my ex mil came over with boxes of food from her church after my ex moved out. I was mortified bc I didn't need the help..her way of helping lol
  • Wow. No wonder our federal and state governments are in the financial condition they're in.
  • Don't b too harsh of the way gov. Helps those in need. Lets focus on the fact not all of us have great paying jobs, duel incomes ect.. Count your own blessings in life and pay it forward. I'm blessed with a wonderful salary and an ex who lives up to his responsibilities as a father.
  • I live n charleston sc I get 668 for me n my 3 kids I don't know wat it will b once I add our new baby
  • This is the first time ive ever recieved government asst & its because my boss fired me for being 35wks preggo now I do admit I got unemployment while I wirked for 2months & didnt report my wages because I was si strapped for cash I needed that extra $ to maintain & now they are saying they could put me in jail,lol .... My brother makes good $ & his thing us he had to take a drug test to get his job so ppl should have to do the same to get assistance
  • @may1mommatobe Hope u dont end up in jail for trying to raise your family! Leave jail for criminals. They are prob just trying to scare u. If they want repayment ask for payment plan. People claim false dependants all the time on taxes.. Noone lands in jail for that. Good luck! Times r hard.
  • @jaime77 thanks I agree I mean they gave me less than $1000 in 2 months but the lady I talked to kept telling,me I defrauded the government ... Trust I know abt the claiming false ppl I just got fired from a tax office
  • EWw! Sorry! Negotiate a settlement and they can see def. your in no position to pay $1000 back asap.
  • You know, I am a junior in college (third year) and ultimately I want to become a child psychologist (I have about four more years to go) hubby works day and night and still doesn't clear much we receive food stamps for us and our four children...while I can understand where some of these women r coming from (when it comes to not wanting people to live off of the forever) sometimes it is best to say nothing at all (especially when dealing with hormonal preg women). We r all adults here and I think that by insulting the other women on here because they are receiving assistance is very childish. I think that it is great that some of u r able to provide for ur families without it, and to be honest I am envious of u. However, just because I am eating pork chops and u r having pb and j, doesn't mean that u have to b the end the only thing that matters is that we r both eating, right?
  • Exactly! Very well put @sramos26
    Congrats for your dedication to college!
  • edited April 2011
    It pisses me off how (some of) these women complain about not getting assistance & calling others lazy. You can't judge and get mad at the other women for receiving help, get mad at the caseworker who denied you. Most women worked their tails off for years without out help & their "tax dollars" funded government aide also. So they deserve help not belittling. Some women have health issues that prevents them from working full time jobs, that doesn't make them less of a mother nor lazy.
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  • If some of these women actually paid attention to what @melodya said, her exact words were "SOMETIMES IT'S PURE LAZINESS. SOMETIMES" and guess what sometimes it is. I think everyone of us can say we have known someone in our lifetime that has abused the system. Truthfully I can see how it is upsetting when there are families that have put themselves through college to struggle to pay their bills and read a post where people are gloating about getting $800 in fs and eating steak and junk. My only problem is when I see people buying energy drinks with food stamps, that really pisses me off however reading some of the post talking about eating organic makes me smile:) that's what I like to hear ladies keep those babies healthy! I don't receive food stamps for my family has been truly blessed, nor does it bother me if someone does receive them but I can see both sides. I just think some people should read and really understand what people are saying before getting defensive and pointing fingers.
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