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- 1stbaby
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I know this sounds silly, but I had to use the cheapest test possible..... For some reason, don't know why, but I swear by Dollar Store test, the least expensive one..... It's actually the same tests used in the hospital (per a friend nurse), it has…
Fiance, me, me, fiance, me, me
I love josephine arianna.... My man wont let me use the first name but I get my way with the middle... And my pick for my boy is Roan Theron for a boy.....
@ blessed niccorette SUCKS try ginger gum, and my mom smoked 2 pcks a day with me, I NEVER had problems and was a full 7lbs., I also have been a pck a day newport smoker for 14yrs now, and smoked about 4 grams a day of pot, for the past 10yrs, and …
*mckale sorry
I like Makale but if u stress the le @ the end, is it lee or lay ? I like just Makale (ma-kle) the end rhythming with pale.....
And ps YOU MUST EAT get cheap stuff like yogurt cups, oranges, string cheese, loaf of bread, and lemons when you feel nauseous (for some reason they work great for morning sickness, its cheaper than buying some other stuff, n did better than cracker…
Good luck, things happen how theyre going to, just a tid bit, I spotted @ 6wks, I'm still going strong, I get my first initial check up 2morrow, if you feel ne kind of funny then go to the ER, but really they are going to just suggest bed rest, and …
Thnx ladies, I was curious about those tests actually, and going to first check up 2morrow!!
Ashton is very cute, I also like Asher.... I thought about Kial (kyle), but I still wanted something more unique, his name is Keegan, and he loves his name!! So we had to go for something just as strong n different!
Sounds like she missed out on some things in life and shes trying to hold her kids to abetter standard (in her mind at least), and live vicariously thru her "last chance" at it (u) and now shes upset cause she feels like your not going acc…
Ps how did you post a pic, I can't figure it out...
I wanted an ol'skool name, like Joesphine, but mine was NOT having it! He demanded "different", he didnt like Arianna either but I gave him Rilynn, and I demanded "Ari", so he agreed.....
Me too, me too! Got a college degree and just want to be a parapro, or an Art Teacher, no luck, life is stressful, wish I could get lucky before I start showing!!
Lol.... awesome, I love a man that'll compromise! :)
Have ya'll considered Makenzi
Yeah I hear ya girl, I would pull the "let's compromise"and stick that plainess in the middle of that name!! Lol! Call him Matthias Michael ______......
How old is ur son if u dont mind me asking, grnfish?
Well it sounds like u enjoy Greek/ Roman mythology, but try to incorporate without being so literal, for instance....... Achilles: Akel or Kial (kyle) Aurelius: Rylis or Leeius (lee-us) Maybe not those specifically, if those aren't your taste, but …
Well tell him Mattias means Gods Gift in Greek, meanings change opinions, sometimes.... I like "deeper meaning" names... I think we have chosen Roan Theron And Rilynn Arianna
I like Matthias for a boy ( Ma-thigh-us) And Maelaney for a girl ( I would pronounce it Ma-lane-ee)
And if all that doest work..........well then, I give u permission to go banchy lady hamm on him girl!! I apologize if I offend anyone, but you are correct in feeling that he's being selfish by sticking by that decision and not at least leave it up…
She will see her, shes right by you! These times listen to your intuition thats her steering you in the right direction! I found that writing letters with all ur questions and concerns u want her advice on, and burning them always helped me, it made…
@katelilly- I agree with billye, tell immediately, I think 8 is not a bad age for her to start learning about all these wiley ways of nature, she is just as much apart of the whole situation, so even if "the unspeakable" happens she will n…
@kmose- those are other ways of saying the name actually, they all mean "red head" lol, and I can agree to having a simple common name, mine is Jessica Leigh Davis..... I HATED IT!! every class, doc office, place I went had another with my…
@wanna- yeah I decided to keep it@ Roan, I dont want the "e" pronounced, it would have been silent, and I want to lessen the teasing they might butcher it and call him Rown-y (roane) I dont like that, so its just Roan, but I would call him…
It definitely feels better!!! More intense, and sooner to "get there", actually my first sign I knew I was prego was by him making a comment about "the changes" he was feeling..... I knew, for sure, to take a test after that! I c…
Okay guys I know I'm emotional, but ya'll just made me cry.....hard! Its nice to see daddys wanting to be included and taking, and asking for advice, that my friends is the first step to being AWESOME daddys!! Thnxs for the good thoughts this mornin…
@vette devil- Girl your tripping, you got a beautiful name, is it pronounced J-da? If it is then I would definitely pick that name, its just I know a few girls with that name already....I'm trying to go simple-different....
@ PRINCESSSARAH3- my fiance's name is Keegan, which he loved, he is so proud of his name, I have only met a very small handful with this name, but it can go for boy or girl, I've seen it both ways!! Just a thought for those looking for K names!