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- mama_c0911
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33 weeks (due July 13).. We have a few names we're considering, but haven't decided on one.
I'm from Corpus Christi.. due July 13 (I'm having a girl).. I have a daughter who is 1yr & 9 mths. I'm 23:)
Spurs fan here!! Win or lose I'll still be supporting my boys and rockin my jerseys;)
My all time fave is Mark Wahlberg.. He's soooo yummy. And there's just something about Liam Neeson (sp?) that I absolutely Love. I've seen a couple ppl mention Shemar Moore and I must agree.. Boy is too Sexy, like seriously can you get anymore cu…
@charliebby1116 I hate disrespect too. How can someone be so rude to ppl they dont even know. Its just sad.
@cgm1113 I'm from Corpus Christi too:)
-23 -South Texas -July 13 -Girl -100% Hispanic -I love feeling her kick & being spoiled. -I hate having to pee ALL THE TIME!! & back pains.
I'm 100% hispanic. Ugh I'm angry just reading this. If I was told that I would be without a job and waiting for my boyfriend to bail me out of jail. Oh and I love love fried chicken:)
I better correct myself before someone jumps down my throat. *business*
It's crazy how it got off topic. Anyways I totally agree old people SUCK except for my grandparents Lol. I live in an apartment complex surrounded by old folks. I LOVE the neighborhood, but HATE these nosey, ancient people who can't mind their own d…
I won't be celebrating this year either, but like you said its for a good cause:) @pregnantlettemama yay!!
Mine is pretty simple. Mama because I'm a mama.. C is the first letter of my first name.. 09 is the year my daughter was born & 11 stands for this year (when my 2nd daughter will be born)
My daughter will be 2 on August 8 and we're having another baby girl due July 13.
I get bad heartburn and when I do I chew minty gum, it really helps. I actually have heartburn right now, but I'm too lazy to go out to my truck and get some gum:/
I'm not from Houston, but live a few hours away in Corpus Christi. 27 weeks along:)
@autumn_babe I love the 'reply button' suggestion.. IM should also be added.
Before we found out we were having a girl we called our baby "Broster" which is a combination of brother/sister. Now we call her Sister so my daughter can hear us and she can call her Sister since we havent picked a name out yet.
@cgm1113 My entire family is Mexican and everyone has always called it "mamon". My sister & I also call it a "paci"
@newmommyofone I love the name Jaida! I'm also having a girl and considered the name (but changing the spelling to Jaeda). My bf wasn't into it so we're still trying to decide on a name we both like.
I'm 24 weeks and last night was the first night I could not get comfortable even with my body pillow. I kept waking up every hour needing to potty, get something to drink or because I just couldnt find a comfortable spot.
I'm from Corpus Christi.. expecting my 2nd child.. 24 weeks along due July 13:)
My 2nd pregnancy and again I'm going to be huge during the summer months. With my 1st I was due September 6th, but went into premature labor and gave birth August 8th. This time around I'm due July 13.
@finallypreggo I'm from Robstown, but currently live in Corpus Christi, which is only a 20 minute drive from my hometown. My boyfriend is from the Valley.. Harlingen to be exact.
@finallypreggo I'm from South Texas and that is soo true, but I Love it here:)
@booface I know what you mean, but Lucy is still a really pretty name. I'm pregnant with my 2nd girl and stuck on what we want to name her. My 1st daughter is named Isabella Rae.
I think Lucy Belle is nice.
Our 2nd baby girl is due to arrive July 13. We are considering the name Aliyah Jade, but not for sure yet.
@noahs_mommy_08 I'm from Robstown too, but been living in Corpus for 5 yrs.
Ice is another thing I crave, but only from Sonic:)
Corpus Christi :)