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  • I'm sorry your going thru that but honesty sweetie I wouldn't take that crap... if they don't like something then they should've done it themselves and if they don't wanna then stop taking crap because honestly they must like it if they are not gett…
  • @mama0811 :: I totally agree with you.. with the economy going down its just to hard finacially... but people push that God wouldn't give you too much you couldn't handle and a lot of people would argue (not me) that the more people that know about …
  • @kalikojenie... BIBLE = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth :-) I just wanted to share!! You think like me!!
  • The way the world is today its responsible to use it... see if you don't believe in God or don't believe in the bible then you should do what you feel is going to protect you and keep you safe.. everyone has their own beliefs
  • Well in the bible it talks about when a man and women come together they unite as one and that you shouldnt take anything in which to hurt the holy temple.. people break that down as if your married you shouldn't need contraceptives because your ful…
  • @nalibby2 I will try that... lol its funny I crave oj too but after I drink it I feel sick lol...
  • And no.. no butterfly feeling either.. this sucks!! I'm anticipating the day when I can feel her move cause it eases my mind to know she is okay
  • Waow 15 weeks.. uggghh. I thought so.. I'm 16 weeks 3 days and I still have yet to feel her kick.. I did an ultrasound yesterday and I seen her kicking me in the ultrasound but I still can't feel it in the belly :( grrrr...
  • @charliebby1116... I know the feeling not so great at all.. I think they gave me a shot of progestrian in my butt... lol... and gave me some medicine... lol.. it worked a lot better and I ate small amounts... sometimes they recommend vitamins that h…
  • At 10dpo I got a super faint line... I swore I seen it I had to hold it up to the light to see it.. noboy believed me so I bought the digital and waited in the morning sure enuff I was preggy... a line is a line regardless how faint it is... and som…
  • @mrs_wainright... if you think your losing your plug you should still be seen by your doctor.. depending on how much you lose they may need to give you a shot or put you on bed rest.. mine came out over days and I was gross out till I told my doctor…
  • I know that feeling.. I had hypermemosis and they prescribed me with phenergin orsome medicine which I turned out allergic tooo.. I think the only thing that helped me was this shot they gave me.. it helped and I was normal a week later
  • I walked up 7 flights of stairs non stop and then back down again.. I went from 2cm to 6cm and had her that night.. I also went swimming using the frog type swim rights side up or doggy paddle and my water broke the next night was in l&d within …
  • Use lansinoh it helps relieve, soothe, heals and protects dry cracked skin... works like a charm can be found in the baby aisle
  • @kayleigh27... that's. Exactly how I feel.... u don't worry about things like that until it happens then u worry about everything!!
  • If u can try swimming and doing the frog legs things right side up.. worked like a charm for me in both my pregnancies.. and the other one I climbed 6 flights of stairs and walked down them.. that kinda wasn't a bad idea except my daughter turned an…
  • My first I didn't realize anything.. lol.. I was 34 weeks and by the time my friend convinced me to go to the hospital I was 9cm and dialated... ended up having her 10 mins later with no pain meds or iv... my second I had bad back pain and it was 36…
  • I had my cousin who had a son and he passed away at 5 months due to a heart problem... she now has a little boy and a little girl.. but she still hasn't fully moved on from it... I would stay up with her and comfort her as she cried for her son... i…
  • I'm 15 weeks and I don't feel pregnant as much... I had a missed miscarriage at around 7 weeks but when I went in for my 9 week ultrasound the baby had nno heartbeat... I was quite sad and devastated... so I hope and pray your baby is fine as well a…
  • I would totally get it if you love it... might as well get something you love then settle for something less... I won't settle for second best in most of my decisions... even later if u keep it nice looking yu can resale it and regain some money bac…
  • I like that brand too... but the cost is expensive... just depends on how much you like it...
  • I tested 11dpo and usually got a faint positive... so those waiting you could possible try the pt.. baby dust to you and hope you get pregnant!!
    in 9Dpo Comment by sunsh1neonme May 2011
  • Oh I know the feeling... its the worst to experience and I hope to never experience it ever again.. I don't wish for even my worse enemy to experience it... its heartbreaking.. if u took an hpt test and it came back negative I would try going to see…
  • Lower bach pain is a sign of labor... the only way to be sure is by timing your contractions.. usually a tightening of your stomach.. if you think your in labor... cause its different I would call your obgyn... or go straight to the could a…
  • It could also be a sign of a possible miscarriage! :-( I pray its not.. implantation could also be but if the blood gets heavier its best to go to the e.r.
  • @TwinMamaToBe... thank you!! :-)
  • Awww, I'm sorry to hear that too... I pray God blesses yu with a baby soon! Keep ur head up mamas!!
  • @TwinMamaToBe.. I realized I was probably wrong after I realized how many people commented... opps... sorry!!
  • Happened too me.. I had a bfn when I tested too early.. after waiting 2 days which seemed like forever it came back as a bfp... I pray you are!!
  • I find out this Friday!! Anyone due October 31st?