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- shmegs
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Induction will be on its way in the next hour or so! Can't wait to meet my son
On the way to the hospital. Ultrasound went good but docs wanna make sure. He could be here today! So excited!
@hurstk28 had the same thing. Uti then kidney pains and then kidney stones. All they could do was treat the uti until baby is born. Then treat kidneys. I feel your pain.
Thoughts and prayers are with u.
Good luck. Hope u get a positive.!!!
@prayin4agurl They've got really cool harness ones that are also a backpack. They've got different animals or characters. Plus u can let him put their own snacks or a toy they want to take. You are being responsible by keeping him close plus he an…
Spicy foods and caster oil are suppose to get your bowels moving and contracting and get labor contractions going. Baby decides when they're coming we can only hope that the things we do are helping.
@sheridanLM1991 We are close! Good luck with the sweep. I've had two so far and didn't do anything. Also been drinking raspberry leaf tea with no luck. @momof22be will update when he's here!
So I'm 5 days over due.. Boooooo. Going for an ultrasound tomorrow and a followup with my nurse to get the induction papers to the hospital. Then way for the hospital to call ne in. He will be here by the 7th. Really can't wait to see my son live a…
I will try. I've been told to give it a good try for 3 weeks. The first 3 weeks give the best milk. But don't let anyone tell u that u have to. If you are uncomfortable or like @Jaime77 who didn't have a good experience don't push yourself. If pure…
It will contract your cervix back. It will also help u lose weight but you also have to eat healthy! Boobie juice to the rescue!
Don't worry hun work hard and you'll see them again!
@mommyjenn never had a problem with the pill. Was on it for close to 10 years. Stopped in November of 2009 and got prego June of 2010. I've heard many stories about getting prego on the pill though. Let me know if u find and good info about the mir…
Love to help but I'm just as undecided. Mirena seems awsome but I'm unsure to place it up there. May go with the low dose pill.
Specialty tea stores. I'm in Canada and there is a place called Teaopia. I think they have them in the states as well. Search tea shops or stores in your area! @bluegrass_mommy
Same here I'm one of the old ones....27 with first baby due any day now. I comment on things that I can help with. Knowledge I have learnt from me two older sisters pregnancies, friends family my college diploma in early childhood development and go…
Thanks so much for all the info. I will so get on all of that! Yeah.
@ammasmama Well my mom did say she's got an awsome peanut butter cookie to make! So that's what ill do today. What else can I do other than wait right? Oh and fyi my nieces birthday is Dec 3rd too!
LOL cookies! I'll make some anyway!
Update.. nothing yet.
Just gonna be me and my hubbie. It's up to u hun. If they don't like then tough luck..or get the doctors to kick them out. I think u are only aloud 2 people in the room anyway.
Thanks ladies! I'm doing stairs and .laundry then my mom is taking me for a shopping walk!
@sheridanLM1991 More calm feeling. Slept overly well last night. My nurse told me yesterday that his heartbeat was in a relaxed state and was ready. She also said my cervix was ready and she did a membrane sweep yesterday too.
I'm really hoping today. My uncle passed in November and it just so happens that today is his birthday as well. Would love for my son to share it with him
Just remember you could have baby anywhere from 37 to 42 weeks. So really due dates get u excited for nothing. LOL
Id say if he wants to why not. It's his baby too. It's not like its a bridal shower and for the girls. It's for the baby right!
Just keep yourself lotioned. It will at least help with the itch when your belly starts to grow. Anything with cocoa butter or she butter works too. I thought I was gonna be lucky and not get them. But In the last 2 weeks they came up.40 weeks tomo…
I'm around msg anytime. Military wives need to stick together
I was. But somehow things got better. Hubby went to Afghanistan in 06 that's when it started. By the time he was home and realized something was wrong and how badly he wad treating me, he was training for another tour in 2008. A lot happened to bot…