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- BabyGeesmama2B
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Fyi you can get your period while bf-ing. I did when babe was 10 wks.. lame
I did it 8 weeks ago at home!! It was amazing and painful but so worth it :) you won't regret it afterwards.. I didn't tear, walked minutes after he was out, had sex and was working out 4wks postpartum. Yea natural birth!!
Ivan Wade 7lbs 6oz (20inches) May 22nd 2011(two weeks late) 5:17am Loving my boy :) 7 1/2 weeks old today and sleeping thru the night!!
My baby is 2 1/2 weeks and is sleeping 5-6 hour chunks every night? And he's breastfed. Every baby is different but don't believe everyone when they say newborns don't sleep through the night. Aim to feed her every 2 1/2- 3 hours during the day, eve…
Haha I totally have the same boob problem.. not cool.. and agree with the waiting to change/wipe over the boy parts.. I changed all of our sheets, his blankets and his clothes as a result of being to lazy to get out of bed in the middle or the night…
@gladiator007 I was under the impression that MAC n cheese was a vegetable.. crap ...:)
Hooray!! You will do awesome :-) Congrats!!
Congrats mama!!
Still in labor... quite painful and ready to wring my own neck :O ...
Contractions are pretty painful.. its still early 1st stage I'm guessing ... thanks for all the well wishes!! I can't wait til babe is out!!
I worked full time til 41 weeks... ill be 42 weeks sat.. this child needs to hop out..
You go girl!! As hard as the wait is, the baby knows when its ready to come, and your labor WILL be harder if you force it too soon so high five for holding out :) !!
Thanks! @ghettobetty best of luck and hope all goes well for you as well!!
Ooh! @ghettobetty I was due may 7 :O I hope I don't have to wait til September lol that'd be so cool though!! My midwife works with a Dr at akron general so if the homebirth doesn't work id have to trek there... are you aultman or mercy?
She sounds like a serious jerk.. if she is a really good friend, pregnant or not, id confront her for sure... she needs some talking too..
I'm from Canton..def not close to you but o well :).. I was due the 7 ..
A contraction wraps around your back then to your front and feels like cramping while tightening your uterus really hard.. whereas braxton hicks are (usually) pain free, just tightening of the uterus..
It made me so mad last week.when that couple had a million boxes of cereal and they were like oh this will not last us very long.. I'm like uhh donate it? You don't NEED it .. the one guy def donated and donates stuff all the time..
<3 that show..
Omg how about the psycho b*tch that put her newborn baby in the toaster oven and blamed it on her husband upsetting her.... smh what is wrong with people
Heck yes :)
Yay!! Congrats!!
Lol what you cant see doesn't matter anyways..
Yay!! I love her!!
I love it!
Woo hoo I'm ready too!! Come out baby!
Ooh I want to do p90x @moststephanite is it so hard?
I don't think it will! You will have him/her soon :) hopefully we both do..
Aww its so hard to wait and try to be patient :( just enjoy it lol now cause I'm 10 days overdue.. Lame, babies will come when they want I suppose...