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- MommyRN
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My older son is 22 mos and he went through that at that age as well. After much trial and error we figured out that he was waking up because of hunger despite eating well during the day. So we started giving him a piece of toast and milk or cheese …
It's not really good for digestion. Could give baby reflux as well.
I'm 39+2 from Pittsburgh, PA
It could possibly be reflux. My ds had it and it was just awful until we got him on Zantac. I hated giving daily meds to a 2mo old but it really helped. He was on it for ~2 mos total. Your pedi can assess for this. Hth
When you can't even make it through a funeral without having to go in the priests office to pump. That was kinda awkward...
There is a big difference between being overweight and being 500lbs. That child is straight on a path to diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, endocrine problems, the list goes on and on. This is a precious life that will be cut short- they don't r…
Just be careful in the shower and don't make it too hot. Your bp is probably lower from losing so much fluid volume so fast, so you can get lightheaded pretty fast in the heat.
Due 10/3, 2-3cm dilated and 90% effaced.
I agree you should look into a good maternity belly support band. I'm a nurse so not only am I on my feet all day and moving patients (most much heavier than me) but I do it all wearing an unbelievably heavy and hot double-lined lead apron because I…
I think your baby's pediatrician could be a good resource for you when it comes to medication questions with breastfeeding. My primary care dr always had me direct those types of questions to the pedi because they have extensive knowledge about how …
On the Night You Were Born. It's a really beautiful book that tells kids how each of them are special and unique.
sorry, meant to say one of YOUR clean knuckles/fingers. not his own obviously lol...
Let the baby teeth on a clean finger or knuckle. That's what they prefer most for the first tooth, it offers great counterpressure. Most babies won't use a teething ring until they're a bit older. But just know it could still be a couple months befo…
October 3rd
Due 10/3 but 1st US said 9/30. I am Team Yellow/Green, we're not finding out, just like with our 1st!
It sounds like sun poisoning. There is a risk of dehydration with this do you should probably call your practitioner to see what they think you should do. In the meantime you can take Tylenol, drink plenty of water, and can even take a tepid bath wi…
Make sure to cut all refined sugars out of your diet until its cleared up and limit them after that. Yeast thrive on sugar and they're more common in pregnancy do it helps to have a clean diet. Good luck!
Aw I'm sorry you gals found out if you didn't want to/can't find out but want to. Everyone should get to do exactly as they wish with this stuff. I'm wishing you both healthy babes and glad you're doing well so far!
pampers stupid phone...
Papers all the way!
I'm laughing bc I'm picturing you eating them with your feet and that's what's making them burn!
Buffalo chicken dip. Damn, now I'm going to be thinking about it and wanting it all day!
Yeah I wish but my hobby travels a lot for work. Boo hoo for me :(
I never have but I have a friend who got them regularly in pregnancy, along with pedicures and highlights and she had a big, healthy baby girl. I'm not sure what the official word on them in pregnancy is though.
Found some very nice ones at Motherhood yesterday. They have a bunch of styles too; short, maxi, tank, etc.
I'm due 10/3! I hope this lo stays in until Oct. my 1st came 2 wks early
Congrats and way to go on the one push and no stitches! Enjoy your lo!