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  • I have to agree w/ @kshoeirlan ....I used Always Infinity Overnight pads w/my daughter and they were awesome. They're really thin so it doesn't feel like you're wearing a diaper. I bled really heavy for a good couple of weeks and didn't mess up any …
  • @beaded_bunny , @gettobetty - totally agree w/you.
  • We have a 21/2yr girl and my husband and I both take turns showering w/her. Im prego w/a lil boy and we plan on doing the same w/him. I think we'll prob stop by the age of 3/4yrs but we'll see. I see NOTHING wrong w/it. Its just more bonding time. I…
  • 2nd trimester flew by but once I hit the 3rd it started going by super slow again. @35wks now but I feel like the end will never get here.
  • I took ASL in H.S. and college and loved it. I used it w/my daughter and she continues at 2yrs old to use it at times. I plan on using it again w/my son after he's born. It was very helpful in communicating and cut back on a lot of guessing what she…
  • Good luck on your exciting journey! Children are a blessing and I hope you find yours soon. :-)
  • $200wk for infant, $150wk over 2yrs old in MD. This is why im a stay at home mom!!
  • @mandac10 - not a clue. I asked my mom yrs ago why she never thought to take me to the dr and she never really gave me an answer. Of course I never thought to ask to go to the dr either. :-) Im hoping my daughter isn't going to be such a late bloome…
  • Started my a few months before my 17th birthday. Very late bloomer.
  • Im 34wks and baby is measuring at 5lbs 8oz and is in the 72%. My last sono was 4wks ago and he measured at 3lbs 8oz. Im hoping w/only 6wks left he doesn't put on more than 2more lbs. Kinda freaked out but no one has said anything about me needing to…
  • @jessica28 - I could not agree w/u more!!! Its very sad but also very true.
  • I've been a sahm for a little over a yr. My daughter is 21/2 and im finally at the point where I love it. The only thing I miss is bringing home a paycheck. I spend the days cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, reading w/my daughter, doing …
  • @ponylover - I could say the same. Did u read what I wrote?? I was trying to make a point,obviously it flew right over your head.
  • Any child can be bullied for any reason. Should no one have children then??? Its our job as parents, gay or straight to teach them of acceptance, right from wrong and to give them all the love and support we can.
  • I love GH!!! I've been watching it for about 20yrs. Lovin Dante/Lulu. I'll always be a Jason/Liz fan but I also like him w/Sam. Don't like the idea of them having a baby so soon after Jake's death though. Im also not a fan of Brenda being back. She'…
  • Im a twin myself and my older brother had triplets. I was hoping my 1st pregnancy was twins but no luck, then w/this 2nd I was praying it wasn't. Fortunately my prayer was answered this time around. Good luck! Its gonna be double the fun. Are the id…
  • We decided to bank our last childs cord blood. This will be our 4th and final child. It is expensive but its a cost well worth it for our piece of mind. You just never know. We went w/viacord and luckily they have really good pymt plans. You don't s…
  • If ur planning on breastfeeding you should register for My Breast Friend nursing pillow. I had a boppy w/my 1st and it sucked. Grooming/1st aid kit, swing, carrier. The list could go on! If ur registering at babies r us they give u a great check lis…
  • My daughter was born on oct 28th, 2yrs ago. Her due date was the 21st so ya never know. I didn't get to dress her up as a pumpkin (she was too small) but I did find a cute little sleeper w/pumpkins all over it. Can't wait to throw her 1st costume pa…
  • My parents are mom mom and pop pop, husbands parents are granny and papa.
  • I think the babies daddy was an asshole! Trying to make her choose between him or her parents was a clear indication to me of what a dick he is. She's 16 for heavens sake, w/twins. I would want my mommy and daddy to help, support and love me through…
  • Kia sedona(mini van) and I love, love, love it. Our 4th and final little one is due in about a month. Plenty of room for everyone and all the junk we need to bring along.
  • My daughter is a scorpio so I have a scorpion w/a tiara on my left side ribs. I'll be getting something for my son after he's born too. I think he'll be a gemini(june) so still trying to figure that one out.
  • We bought a few books for our two yr old to help us explain it to her. One is called I'm a big sister and the the other is called baby on the way(I think). That one help more because it had a drawing of the baby in the mommies tummy. It took a few t…
  • Loved using the playtex drop ins. So easy and convenient w/not as much to clean up.
    in Drop-ins?? Comment by mom2_4 April 2011
  • I go twice weekly for nst and w/sono its 1 e/o week. For the nst they told me to plan on being there from 20min to an hour not including time it takes for sono if needed. So far I've gone twice, 1st time it took almost two hrs because they did a son…
  • @proudmomma -not sure how it would work w/ibs. I just know that I've always had prob w/constipation prego or not and its always worked for me. :-)
    in laxatives Comment by mom2_4 April 2011
  • How is that even possible??? I would pass out or kill someone if I went more than 2hrs w/out food. Lol...
  • Another one to try is pedialax. Its a liquid glycerine suppository for children. I use them often due to constipation and they work really fast and w/no stomach discomfort. Plus they are safe to use during pregnancy. Im usually back in the bathroom …
    in laxatives Comment by mom2_4 April 2011
  • I say go for it if you want a job. You aren't required to tell them about your pregnancy. I went to a mandatory unemployment seminar (in MD) when I lost my job a year ago and one of the questions asked was do I need to tell a potential employer of m…